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Top-rated games from Game Off 2024

Game Bytes

Another year, another incredible GitHub Game Off—and this one was secrets-ational! With over 500 submissions, participants turned the theme of “secrets” into an extraordinary showcase of creativity, humor, and mind-boggling mechanics. Play the top-rated games now!

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This recommendation was created by GitHub staff automatically fixes pull requests.

Pull Requests are often blocked on relatively trivial issues such as code formatting or leftover imports. Fixing these details is expensive as it requires additional roundtrips and context switching. automatically fixes such problems, unblocking development flow.

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff

pre-commit ci

pre-commit ci

Developers spend a fair chunk of time during their development flow on fixing relatively trivial problems in their code. both enforces that these issues are discovered (which is opt-in for each developer's workflow via pre-commit) but also fixes the issues automatically, letting developers focus their time on more valuable problems.