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💫 About Me:


🔭 I’m currently working on my CP and DSA.

🌱 I’m currently learning Data Science and Machine learning.

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Software projects.

🤔 I’m looking for help with proper guidance and mentorship.

📫 How to reach me: 📭 : [email protected]

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💻 Tech Stack:


C C++ CSS3 Dart GraphQL Haskell HTML5 Java JavaScript Markdown PHP Python R Solidity TypeScript LaTeX


AWS Azure Firebase Heroku Netlify Vercel Render

Framework, Platforms & Libraries

Anaconda Bootstrap Chakra Chart.js  Electron.js Express.js FastAPI Flask Flutter jQuery MUI Meteor JS NPM Next JS NodeJS OpenCV p5js Qt React React Native React Router Redux Semantic UI React Strapi TailwindCSS Threejs Webpack Yarn Keras NumPy Pandas Plotly PyTorch scikit-learn SciPy TensorFlow


MongoDB MySQL Neo4J Postgres Redis SQLite


Adobe Illustrator Adobe XD Blender Canva Figma Gimp Gnu Image Manipulation Program Inkscape Sketch


CMake Babel Docker ESLint ElasticSearch Jira Kubernetes Notion Postman Prezi Terraform Trello


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  1. Job-mitra Job-mitra Public

    This is a dynamic job hunting website which is developed and deployed using flask and other python packages

    HTML 6

  2. Image-Segementation Image-Segementation Public

    This is a basic classification model deployed using flask and can classify the image if the provided intensity value is in correct format📚🧑‍💻

    Jupyter Notebook 3

  3. externalPointerVariable externalPointerVariable Public

    This is a private repository


  4. TrueVision TrueVision Public

    TrueVision is an AI-driven app that verifies the authenticity of images by detecting whether they are real or manipulated. Using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, TrueVision offers quick an…

    Jupyter Notebook 2 1

  5. AttentionIsAllYouNeed AttentionIsAllYouNeed Public

    Implementing Transformers from Scratch


  6. Library-Managment-System Library-Managment-System Public

    This project is based on core Python using different modules like Tkinter and pymysql.

    Python 1