Welcome to Newpass, my student research project about facial recognition in software for secrets management
The process of training the model can be seen in the Training.ipynb Jupyter notebook while you can use Verification.ipynb to verify the model using image files or perform a real-time test using opencv and your web camera
The student research paper can be found here:
to get started install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then create the admin user
python manage.py createsuperuser
Now you're ready to start the server
python manage.py runserver
After starting it visit the url e.g
When changing the database model run this command to create the migration file
python manage.py makemigrations webapp
Then this comand to apply them
python manage.py migrate
If you have problems with libraries not updating after changes being made in Jupyter, try this:
import importlib
import utils
This project was tested with tensorflow 2.16.1, if you encounter any errors with newer versions do try to patch them up
Add password rotation reminders
Allow grouping secrets into categories
Allow multiple inputs to be added to fields (e.g url) and custom fields
Switch from classification to similarity-based comparison so the model doesn't have to be re-trained for each person
Add face cropping in the utils/preprocess function to better generalise faces
Implement early stopping to automatically prevent overtraining by stopping the training process when the model's performance on the validation set stops improving. Use tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping. Set monitor='loss', patience (the number of epochs to wait for improvement), and restore_best_weights=True
Align all resolutions to paper e.g produce 105x105 images from utils/preprocess function
Improve checkpoints to use tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint. Set filepath, save_best_only=True, and monitor='loss'