This buji-pac4j-demo project is a Java web application to test the buji-pac4j library with Facebook, Twitter, form authentication, basic auth, CAS...
The buji-pac4j library is built to delegate authentication to a provider and be authenticated back in the protected application with a complete user profile retrieved from the provider.
If you want to use Guice, please see the buji-guice-demo.
To start quickly, build the project and launch the web app with jetty :
cd buji-pac4j-demo
mvn clean install jetty:run
To test, you can call a protected url by clicking on the "Protected by xxx : xxx/index.jsp" url, which will start the authentication process with the xxx provider.
Or you can click on the "Authenticate with *xxx" link, to start manually the authentication process with the xxx provider.
If you need to test with CAS, you can easily setup a CAS server by using one of the following CAS demos (use the -Djetty.port=8888 option to start it on port 8888 as expected by this demo) :
- cas-overlay-3.5.x for CAS server version 3.5.x-SNAPSHOT
- cas-overlay-demo for CAS server version 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT