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Starter project used for Integration and BDD style testing using Selenium, NUnit/XUnit and SpecFlow

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BDD with SpecFlow and Selenium against public sites

Example C# used as a starting point for a TDD / BDD lab.

  1. UI BDD tests using Selenium tests that operate against search web sites.
  2. Web API BDD tests that operate against search APIs. This is a work in progress and is missing some of the Factory and other pattern pieces
  3. An NUnit API test that operates against search APIs. This is used to shake out the API search engine adapter classes.

This project will eventually add standard non-BDD NUnit / Selenium integration tests.

The repository was last developed in VS2022 community edition using C# and .Net 6. You should rebuild the solution to download dependencies and build the tests. Run the test with the standard VS Test Explorer.

See the links at the bottom for more information on Behavior Driven Development, Gherkin and Specflow

Gherkin Feature Definition

User Story and work item acceptance criteria that are written in Gherkin syntax can be copied into feature files. Each line in the Gherkin is turned into a step that is invoked by the unit tests. The SpecFlow Extension can be used to generate steps with the right syntax. Those steps are stored in step .cs files and are automaticaly called at test execution time.

This Scenario searches the Internet using the Google search engine and verifies that the domain associated with that search term is somewhere in the search results. The example feature is converted into 4 steps. Some of the steps invokeSelenium to make remote requests or interrogate the responses.

Scenario in a feature

Scenario: Example - Search with Google
	Given I search the internet using site "google"
	When I use the term "microsoft"
	Then There should be at least 1 links with the trademark holder site "" in them
	And My search term should be in the title bar

Another Scenario using the same steps

This Scenario is virtually the same and uses the exact same test steps. SpecFlow steps are parameterized so that this scenario can use the exact same steps as the previous one just passing different values for the parameters.

Scenario: Example - Search with Bing
	Given I search the internet using site "bing"
	When I use the term "facebook"
	Then There should be at least 1 links with the trademark holder site "" in them
	And My search term should be in the title bar

See the step .cs file for the details.

Behavior should be isolated from implementation

This Scenario is more about the technical steps and less about behavior. This should be avoided in user stories and test definitions. The details can be hidden inside the steps.

Scenario: Example - Search with Google
    Given I want to search for something on the internet 
    When I open Chrome
        And I type "" into the url bar and hit enter
        And I click on the search box
        And I enter "facebook" into the search field
        And I click on the search button
    Then The browser HTTP code should be a 200
        And  The returned page should have at least 1 href "" in them
        And "facebook" should be in the title bar of the results page

Gherkin and SpecFlow and Automated Tests

The Scenario above can be automated using SpecFlow. The Specflow VS extension has BDD test project templates. The extension automatically genereates .cs code behind file for each .feature file. Devlopers can use the context menus to create step files or individual steps that can be pasted into step .cs files. The scenarios described above are broken down into a structure similar to.

graph TD
    subgraph FeaturePieces[A Feature]
    Feature(Specflow Feature containing multiple Scenarios)
    FeatureTests(Specflow generated Feature test class containing one Test for each Scenario)
        subgraph TD TestPieces[A Scenario]
            Test(A Specflow Generated XUnit/Nunit Test in a code generated Feature .cs)
            subgraph StepFile[Step File .cs]
                subgraph StepPieces[Developer Generated Steps]
                    GivenStep>Step: Given<br/>in .cs step file]
                    WhenStep>Step: When<br/>in .cs step file]
                    ThenStep>Step: Then<br/>in .cs step file]
                    Then2Step>Step: And Then<br/>in .cs step file]
            ScenarioContext[Scenario Scope<br/>ScenarioContext<br/>POCOs]
    Feature -.- FeatureTests -.- Test
    Test --- GivenStep
    Test --- WhenStep
    Test --- ThenStep
    Test --- Then2Step

BDD Test Execution Path

Web Sites

BDD web test execute using Specflow as a driver for NUnit tests. The test runner finds the NUnit defined tests in the test suite and runs them. Individual steps use Selenium to call the remote web site and evaluate the model.

graph LR
    IDE --> TestFramework[Test Framework<br/>NUnit/XUnit] --> Test[Test Feature<br/>SpecFlow Generated] --> Steps -->|selenium| SearchWeb(Search Engine) --> SearchApi(Search API);
    SearchWeb -.->|Web Response| Steps ;
    Steps -.-> Test;
    Test -.->|Test Results| TestFramework;
    TestFramework -.->|Suite Results| IDE;



BDD api test execute using Specflow as a driver for NUnit tests. The test runner finds the NUnit defined tests in the test suite and runs them. Individual steps use a web API library to make calls and extract resuts

graph LR
    IDE --> TestFramework[Test Framework<br/>NUnit/XUnit] --> Test[TestFeature<br/>SPecflow Generated] --> Steps -->|test utils| SearchApi(Search API);
    SearchApi -.->|API Response| Steps ;
    Steps -.-> Test
    Test -.->|Test Results| TestFramework;
    TestFramework -.->|API Results| IDE;


Specflow steps can be reused

Features are composed of some mix of Given. When, Then steps. The steps are implemented as standalone C# functions. Note that the Java based Cucumber works the same way.

Steps are essentially global to their assembly This means steps can be used in any of the Features in that assembly. Steps need to be well written and modular with a a well understood set of inputs in order for them to be truely reusable for different purposes.

This graph shows two Features sharing a couple of steps.

flowchart LR
    subgraph FeatureBankTransactions[Feature<br/>]
        subgraph ScenarioDeposit[Scenario Make a Deposit]
            direction TB
            given1[Given I have a bank account]
            when1[When I make a deposit]
            then1[Then my balance should change by the transaction amount]
        subgraph ScenarioWithdrawl[Scenario Make a Withdrawl]
            direction TB
            given2[Given I have a bank account]
            when2[When I make a withdrawl]
            then2[Then my balance should change by the transaction amount]

    subgraph Steps
        direction TB
        givenBankAccount[Given I have a bank account]
        whenDeposit[When I make a deposit]
        whenWithdrawl[When I make a withdrawl]
        thenBalance[Then my balance should change by the transaction amount]

    subgraph Context[Scenario Context]
    click Context "" "SpecFlow Scenario Context Documentation"

    given1 --> givenBankAccount
    given2 --> givenBankAccount
    when1 --> whenDeposit
    when2 --> whenWithdrawl
    then1 --> thenBalance
    then2 --> thenBalance

    givenBankAccount <-.-> Context
    whenDeposit <-.-> Context 
    whenWithdrawl <-.-> Context
    thenBalance <-.-> Context


The Given, When and Then syntax in Features must be exactly the same in order for SpecFlow to recognize them as the same step function.


Visual Studio

I've only tested this with Visual Studio on Windows but it should work on other .Net supported platforms with VS Code.

  1. Install the SpecFlow Extension for Visual Studio prior to loading this solution.
  2. Build the project to restore all the NuGet packages.
  3. Run the test in the Test explorer.

VS Code


Setup for searching web search engines.

No configuration required

Setup for searching APIs - when directly searching APIs

The SimpleAPI..TestEnvironment test projects run against search engine APIs instead of against the web pages. To get this to work you have to register with Bing or Google to get search keys. (Bing only at the tieme of this writing)

  1. Navigate to
  2. Create a "Bing Search"
  3. Find the search URL and keys generated

The API direct tests require a Bing API key in order to access the API. Acquire that from the Azure portal and then put that value in a .runsettings file at the top of the solution.

You can run the test project once you have completed the following steps.

  1. Enable autodetection of a .runsettings file in Visual Studio Tools->Options->Test->General This will enable .runsettings for all test projects
  2. Create .runsetting file in the root of this project
  3. Put the following XML in that file putting your Bing subscription key in the correct place
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- File name extension must be .runsettings -->
      <!-- List of environment variables we want to set-->

Test Generation and Development

The Specflow IDE Extension creates and manages a .feature.cs codebehind file for each .feature file. That codebehind file contains an NUnit (or XUnit) suite with one test for each scenario. Each codebehind test/scenario makes a call to step functions for each Given When and Then statement in the .feature feature file. The developer is respnosible for putting the actual test code in the step cs file.

    participant Developer
    participant Specflow Extension
    participant NUnit Runner
    participant Feature File
    participant Feature NUnit Codebehind
    participant Step Definition

    Developer ->> Feature File: Create Behavior Scenarios
    Specflow Extension ->> Feature File: Read
    loop For Each Feature in File
        Specflow Extension ->> Feature NUnit Codebehind : Create NUnit test
        Specflow Extension ->> Step Definition : Create given/when/then stubs
        Developer ->> Step Definition : Code in stubs

Test Execution

The IDE teste jig, NUnit in this example, runs the tests that are in the feature.cs code behind files. Those code generated tests call a helper method for each Given When and Then clause in the BDD definition for that test. This means the test calls the coded helper methods in the step file which represent the test when sequened together.

    participant IDE
    participant Specflow Extension
    participant NUnit Runner
    participant Feature File
    participant Feature NUnit Codebehind
    participant Step Definition

    IDE ->> NUnit Runner: Run Tests
    NUnit Runner ->> Feature NUnit Codebehind: Identify Tests
    loop For Each Test in Code behind
        NUnit Runner ->> Feature NUnit Codebehind: Run Test
        Feature NUnit Codebehind ->> Step Definition: Invoke Given
        Feature NUnit Codebehind ->> Step Definition: Invoke When
        Feature NUnit Codebehind ->> Step Definition: Invoke Then


BDD with SpecFlow

SpecFlow IDE Integration

Web Testing

Search Engine APIs


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Starter project used for Integration and BDD style testing using Selenium, NUnit/XUnit and SpecFlow






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