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localhost:8080 is not returning anything, check ports aligned properly
change docker-compose nginx ports from 80:8080 to 8080:80 success, but now bad gateway 502
remove -d option from docker-compose to see (very helpful) output and errors
logs suggest flaskapp is on port 5000 but the config looks for flaskapp on port 5001 change flaskapp.conf to 5000 and dockerfile to 5000 seems to fix this no more 502 error
when entering a non-integer value for quantity field, error is returned. looking into wtforms.validators for integers... fixed by adding import IntegerField
when submitting valid data, redirection is broken (goes to localhost%2Clocalhost:port) the flask documentation doesnt include the leading slash slash, attempting to fix by removing leading '/' in @app.route nvm that returns an error the proper fix is to edit the flaskapp.conf file and remove the redundant 'proxy_set_header Host' line
now the redirection works, but the output is ... incomplete. it appears that the database is not read properly or not written to properly time to rtfm... the flask sqlalchemy manual seems the file needs an __init__ and __repr__ function still not printing... I either need a str method or to alter the call to be repr
after including a __str__ method, there still was no output to the page. in response, I'm going to convert the 'results' list into a multiline string
to get the 'multiline' string I have to change the mimetype of the data (when interpreted as html, the '\n' newline character is disregarded, hence I needed to use the a mimetype of 'text/plain')
at this point, I don't see any more bugs, so let's add a bit of functionality: i want to include a new page where you can see the database items without requiring an insert first
just duplicate the html form button (with a different name) which calls a duplicate success() method (with a different name. I could have simply called the same one 'success' page but I wanted a distinct url).