Dewib ui is an open source ui library for developing HTML/CSS and JS websites. This package is developed with Vue.js and tailwindcss and to use with NuxtJS
Get started with the documentation
Dewib ui provide @nuxtjs/tailwindcss by default so please remove it or use v4 version
yarn add @dewib/dw-ui # yarn
npm i @dewib/dw-ui # npm
Edit nuxt.config.js
modules: [
dw-ui using tailwindcss-forms plugin as recommanded by tailwindui
If you want to overide default config please overide the plugin
An exemple is provided in storybook/plugins/custom.form.js
import forms from 'path/to/custom'
modules: [
['@dewib/dw-ui', {
Dewib ui allows you to customize the default theme
To do so create this path dewib/config.js
to the root of your project
export default {
ui: {
Button: {
variants: {
'yellow-600': 'bg-yellow-600 hover:opacity-75 text-white border-yellow-600',
'red-50': 'bg-red-50 hover:opacity-75 text-red-600 border-red-50',
size: (props) => {
return ({
sm: 'px-3 py-1 text-sm leading-4',
md: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm leading-4',
lg: 'px-3 py-3 text-sm leading-4'