Mini-ML-Agents is based on ml-agents-0.1.1, and will as a learning courseware to explain how to implement a agent framework based on Unity.
- Unity Engine flexibility and simplicity
- Multiple observations (cameras)
- Flexible Multi-agent support
- Discrete and continuous action spaces
- Python (2 and 3) control interface
- Visualizing network outputs in environment
- Tensorflow Sharp Agent Embedding [Experimental]
The Agents SDK, including example environment scenes is located in
you have tow ways:
- 3DBall.exe in python path has built for window platform,you can use it to test .
- or you can build it with Unity3D(2017-1.0f3 version) as follows:
- load the package: unity-environment
- enter the unity editor, click menu [file/Build Settings] and select target platform:window and archtecture:x86_64
- click build button to generate exe file.
Once you've built a Unity Environment, example Reinforcement Learning
algorithms and the Python API are available in the python
folder. For requirements, instructions, and other information, see the
contained Readme and the relevant.