This project provides a Java API for LSF, IBM Platform Computing Load Sharing Facility.
Since the original C API for LSF is not thread-safe, this API provides an LSFBatch
singleton class with required synchronization mechanisms.
To build the Java library you should run:
mvn package
After that you should build the JNI library that makes it possible to call LSF C API from Java code. To do that, you should:
- change working directory to src/jni/lsf/
- edit Makefile (set valid INCDIR and LIBDIR)
- run make
After that you can use the resulting JAR file along with native shared libraries in your Java applications.
Send any questions to [email protected].
Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Genestack Limited. All Rights Reserved.
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. License text is also included in this repository in the COPYING file. (Until December 2018 this program was licensed under Eclipse Public License version 1.0).