The Geobricks processing library provides an easy way to process sets of layers, providing band extraction and some of the GDAL basic funcionalities.
The plug-in is distributed through PyPi and can be installed by typing the following command in the console:
pip install geobricksprocessing
from geobricks_processing.core import processing_core
processing_gdalwarp = {
#Mandatory: "Array containing the source paths i.e. a layer of *.tif for band extraction or merging"
"source_path": ["data/burundi_maize_area_3857.tif"],
# Mandatory: String containing the output path. If it doesn't exists it will be created
"output_path": "data/gdalwarp/",
# Optional: String containing the output file name. If it doesn't exists it will be created with a uuid function
"output_file_name": "burundi_maize_area_4326.tif",
# Optional: Default band extraction is 1
"band": 1,
# Mandatory: Array with a list of operation (i.e. gdalwarp, gdaladdo, gdal_translate, band_extraction)
"process": [
"gdalwarp": {
# Optional: containing the command options
"opt": {
"-multi": "",
"-overwrite": "",
"-of": "GTiff",
"-s_srs": "EPSG:3857",
"-t_srs": "EPSG:4326"
output_files = processing_core.process_data(processing_gdalwarp)
GDALWARP with a GDALADDO operation
To do more than one operation can be created an array containing the different steps of the process. In this example will be applied first a GDALWARP and then a GDALADDO operation to the output file.
from geobricks_processing.core import processing_core
processing_gdalwarp = [
"source_path": ["data/burundi_maize_area_3857.tif"],
"output_path": "data/gdalwarp/",
"output_file_name": "burundi_maize_area_4326.tif",
"band": 1,
"process": [
"gdalwarp": {
"opt": {
"-multi": "",
"-overwrite": "",
"-of": "GTiff",
"-s_srs": "EPSG:3857",
"-t_srs": "EPSG:4326"
"band": 1,
"process": [
"gdaladdo": {
"parameters": {
"overviews_levels": "2 4 8 16"
output_files = processing_core.process_data(processing_gdalwarp)