WEb Simple Server
Running a WESS instance is very easy, by default on port 80 all interfaces:
func main() {
server := wess.NewServer(wess.ServerOptions{})
shutdown, stop, _ := server.Start(context.Background())
err = <-shutdown
will contain the eventual errors when the server shuts down and stop
is a chan
that allows you to stop the server programmatically.
Of course that server does not serve much...
You can change the port, give an address to listen to:
server := wess.NewServer(wess.ServerOptions{
Address: "",
Port: 8000,
You can also overwrite the default handlers used when a route is not found or a method is not Allowed:
server := wess.NewServer(wess.ServerOptions{
Logger: log,
NotFoundHandler: notFoundHandler(log),
MethodNotAllowedHandler: methodNotAllowedHandler(Options),
If you add a ProbePort
, wess
will also serve some health routes for Kubernetes or other probe oriented environments. These following routes are available:
You can change the root path from /healthz
with the HealthRootPath
server := wess.NewServer(wess.ServerOptions{
ProbePort: 32000,
HealthRootPath: "/probez",
Note: If the probe port is the same as the main port, all routes are handled by the same web server. Otherwise, 2 web servers are instantiated.
You can add a simple route with AddRoute
and AddRouteWithFunc
server.AddRoute("GET", "/something", somethingHandler)
server.AddRouteWithFunc("GET", "/somewhere", somewhereFunc)
The first method accepts a http.Handler while the second accepts a http.HandlerFunc.
Here is an embedded example:
server.AddRouteWithFunc("GET", "/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log := logger.Must(logger.FromContext(r.Context())).Child(nil, "hello")
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
written, _ := w.Write([]byte("Hello, World!"))
log.Debugf("Witten %d bytes", written)
For more complex cases, you can ask for a SubRouter:
main() {
// ...
APIRoutes(server.SubRouter("/api/v1"), dbClient)
func APIRoutes(router *mux.Router, db *db.Client) {
(See the vue-with-api sample for a complete implementation)
To add a frontend, the easiest is to use vite. You can also use webpack. As long as you can bundle all the distribution files in the same folder.
In the folder you want to write your wess
application, create the frontend instance (Here, using Vue. You can also use react):
npm create vite@latest frontent -- --template vue
or with yarn:
yarn create vite frontend --template vue
During the development phase of the frontend, you should run the dev server directly from the frontend folder:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
or with yarn:
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn dev
Once the frontend is done, build the project:
npm run build
or with yarn:
yarn build
And add a wess
server in the parent folder of the frontend:
var (
//go:embed all:frontend/dist
frontendFS embed.FS
func main() {
server := wess.NewServer(wess.ServerOptions{
Port: 8080,
_ = server.AddFrontend("/", frontendFS, "frontend/dist")
shutdown, stop, _ := server.Start(context.Background())
Then, create a single binary that will contain the server and the frontend code:
go build .
That's it, you now have a single small executable file!
The samples
folder contains a few examples of wess
in action.
- samples/vue contains a simple Vue project
- samples/vue-with-api contains a simple Vue project that calls an API ran by