[Post A Job]-Button on event website
- Title
- Description
- Salary
- Link to job offer (no email)
- Twitter handle
- Remote or in Barcelona (yes/no) (no => no job offer)
Post the job for 49€
- Starred (top)
- (1 minute showcase at the event)
- 2 Tweets - 1 day after the event
Post the job for 99€
- Starred (top)
- (2 minute showcase at the event)
- 4 Tweets - 1+2 days after the event
- Job Listing in Newsletter
-> Open Stripe Form
-> Stripe Callback to gitevents server
-> Email invoices
-> POST to gitevents server
-> POST on /jobs
-> Create GitHub issue in /Jobs
-> Label GitHub issue as 'Job'
-> POST on /jobs/callback
-> Verify Stripe callback
-> Modify GitHub issue and label 'starred'
-> Send tweet with new job with link to issue
run cleanup script in gitevents core and check for expired job offers
-> close expired job offers