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Custom GLSP instance for dynamic model language support. This is the server.


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Dynamic GLSP - Server npm version

On this package we had the server code.


$ npm install @eclipse-glsp/protocol @eclipse-glsp/server inversify @dynamic-glsp/protocol @dynamic-glsp/server


This package provides the custom server module and diagram module for dynamic diagram language support. You have to use it in a node server project to create a new GLSP server.

import {
} from '@dynamic-glsp/server';
import {
  defaultLaunchOptions} from '@eclipse-glsp/server/node';
import { Container } from 'inversify';

async launch() {
    // define container options
    const options = createSocketCliParser<SocketLaunchOptions>({
        port: 3001, // port to listen
        host: '' // host to listen

    // create a new inversify container
    const container = new Container();

    // load a new GLSP app module

    // define services that GLSP needs to access the metamodels and models information
    // can use connectionAuth (auth, userAgent, ip) to validate user access
    const services = {
        languageProvider: async (languageID: string, connectionAuth: MessageConnectionAuth) => {
            // method for provide model language definition
            // can use any database or server logic here
        modelProvider: async (modelID: string, connectionAuth: MessageConnectionAuth) => {
            // method for provide model data
            // can use any database or server logic here
        modelSaver: async (modelID: string, model: any, preview: any, connectionAuth: MessageConnectionAuth) => {
            // method for save model data
            // can use any database or server logic here

    // create a GLSP Server Module with the Diagram Module (this will use a custom server module and diagram module for dynamic diagram language support)
    const serverModule = new DynamicServerModule().configureDiagramModule(new DynamicDiagramModule(services));

    // create a new DynamicWebSocketServerLauncher that allow authenticated communication using WebSocket
    const launcher = container.resolve(DynamicWebSocketServerLauncher);

    // configure the server module and start the server
    await launcher.configure(serverModule);
    await launcher.start({ port: options.port, host:, path: 'dynamic' });

launch().catch((error) => console.error('Error in dynamic GLSP server:', error));


Dynamic GLSP is an instance of Graphical Language Server Platform (GLSP). It allows defining the model language through a meta-meta-model (or M2 model). This approach enables the dynamic generation of model elements data and graphics based on the language definition.

To achieve this, an extended generative GModel was created for graphical notation. Additionally, a new schema called AModel, based on JSON Schema, was developed for the model elements data. This schema is used to validate the model elements data and to generate the model elements data editor.

Dynamic GLSP Server

The server is responsible for dynamically generating GModel and AModel based on the M2 model. It takes the meta elements definitions: generative GModel, AModel, and default data, and generates the model elements data and graphics to be used by the GLSP client. The server also provides:

  • Actions and Operations: Define interactions for loading/saving the model language and allow dynamic changes in the model elements data.
  • Authentication: Actions and operations can send authentication data to the server: token, user-agent, and IP address are provided to validate user access.
  • External Services: Configurable services for language and model persistence and retrieval from external sources. Authentication data is sent to these services too.
  • Tool Palette: Automatically generates the tool palette based on the M2 model.
  • Validation: Validates the model elements data based on the AModel schema.

Dynamic GLSP Client

The client is responsible for rendering the model elements graphics and data editor. The client also provides:

  • Inspector: Defines the mechanism for inspecting the model elements AModel and sending data change operations to the server. It relies on an external form generation method.
  • External Services: Offer interfaces for accessing language management and actions and operations execution. Additionally, it provides methods for exporting model SVG.
  • Styles and Views: Defines a set of styles and views for properly rendering the model based on M2 model diversity, correctly displaying the inspector, and more.

Dynamic GLSP Protocol

The protocol is responsible for defining the communication between the server and the client. It defines the interfaces for model language, generative GModel, and AModel. Moreover, it defines the actions and operations interfaces for language management and data change.

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This package is MIT licensed.


Custom GLSP instance for dynamic model language support. This is the server.





