This plugin provides a generic way to add and manage attachments for a given application. It is based on 2 JQuery plugins:
- Grails Version: 1.2.1 and above (plugin version 1.4.x requires Grails 2.4.x and above)
- JDK: 1.5 and above
Add a plugin dependency in BuildConfig.groovy
compile ":attachmentable:0.4.0"
The default one looks like:
grails.attachmentable.maxInMemorySize = 1024
grails.attachmentable.maxUploadSize = 1024000000
grails.attachmentable.uploadDir = YOUR_USER_HOME/APP_NAME
You need to define a poster evaluator in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy. The default one looks like:
grails.attachmentable.poster.evaluator = { request.user }
But if you store users in the session instead you may want this to be:
grails.attachmentable.poster.evaluator = { session.user }
Or, if you use the Acegi plugin:
grails.attachmentable.poster.evaluator = { getAuthUserDomain() }
Or in case of the Spring Security Core Plugin:
grails.attachmentable.poster.evaluator = { getPrincipal() }
In version 0.2.0 and above poster can be a String:
grails.attachmentable.poster.evaluator = { "unknown" }
You can let the searchable plugin index you attachments using the Apache Tika parser. Install the searchable plugin and add this to your Config.groovy:
grails.attachmentable.searchableFileConverter = "attachmentFileConverter"
You can then search for text inside your attachments in PDF, Word, Excel and many other document formats. Note that the current implementation will only index the first 2 MB of text, to conserve memory.
You have two options.
Implement the Attachmentable interface:
import com.macrobit.grails.plugins.attachmentable.core.Attachmentable
class Topic implements Attachmentable {
Add a static property
class Topic {
static attachmentable = true
Add some attachments:
<input type="file" name="pictures"/>
<input type="file" name="pictures"/>
<input type="file" name="pictures"/>
<input type="file" name="movies"/>
<input type="file" name="movies"/>
<input type="file" name="someLabel"/>
<attachments:style />
<attachments:uploadForm bean="${topicInstance}" />
<attachments:script updateInterval="100"/>
def topic = Topic.get(1)
// get
def attachments = topic.attachments
def pictures = topic.getAttachments('pictures')
// count
def attachmentsNo = topic.totalAttachments
def picturesNo = topic.getTotalAttachments('pictures')
def mediaNo = topic.getTotalAttachments(['pictures', 'movies'])
// remove
topic.removeAttachments(['pictures', 'movies'])
To remove all attachments when the "owner" domain is deleted, add this to your domain:
transient def beforeDelete = {
It's important to wrap the method call in withNewSession { ... } See []
In a GSP:
<attachments:each bean="${topicInstance}">
<attachments:icon attachment="${attachment}"/>
returnPageURI="${createLink(action: 'actionName', id:}"/>
To add some logic to handle newly created attachments, just add an "onAddAttachment()" method to your Attachmentable domain class:
class Topic implements Attachmentable {
def onAddAttachment = {attachment ->
// post processing logic for newly added attachment
Check the file from the plugin directory.
Attribute | Description |
attachment | The attachment instance. |
label | The link label (also you can use the body tag instead of this attribute). |
returnPageURI | The page URI to return after the action. |
Attribute | Description |
attachment | The attachment instance. |
inline | true if attachment should be viewed inline in the browser. |
Attribute | Description |
bean | The attachmentable instance. |
inputName | The input name. |
inputNames | The list of input names. |
var | The name of the item (default: 'attachment'). |
status | The name of a variable to store the iteration index in. For the first iteration this variable has a value of 0, for the next, 1, and so on. |
Attribute | Description |
bean | The attachmentable instance. |
inputName | The input name. |
inputNames | The list of input names. |
Attribute | Description |
plugin | true/false flag to use the template bundled with the plugin or not (default true) |
Attribute | Description |
inputName | The file input name (default: 'attachment'). |
importJS | Boolean value: insert or not the JS files. |
updateInterval | The update interval(in milliseconds) for the progress bar. |
maxFiles | The maximum files allowed. |
acceptExt | Accepted extensions. |
updateElemId | The ID of the element that will be updated with the response data. |
redirect | URL to redirect to when file upload is finished. |
plugin | true/false flag to use the template bundled with the plugin or not (default true) |
Attribute | Description |
bean | The attachmentable instance. |
inputName | The file input name (default: 'attachment'). |
styleClass | The style class. |
plugin | true/false flag to use the template bundled with the plugin or not (default true) |
Attribute | Description |
no attributes |
Generates an tag with an appropriate icon based on file type, using a subset of the Silk Icons.
Attribute | Description |
attachment | The Attachment instance |
- 0.4.2 (May 2, 2016) - ProgressDescriptor is now Serializable (required by Glassfish 3.1)
- 0.4.1 (March 7, 2015) - allow plugin directory to be overridden with plugin="${false}" in taglib calls.
- 0.4.0 (March 6, 2015) - Upgraded plugin to be compatible with Grails 2.4.4
- 0.3.0 (October 5, 2012) - Updated dependencies and uploaded source to github.
- 0.2.1 (January 14, 2011) - Fixed problem with spring security plugin.
- 0.2.0 (January 5, 2011) - Optional searchable indexing of files. Icons.
- 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT (June 4, 2010) - Some small fixes/enhancements.
- 0.1-SNAPSHOT (March 17, 2010) - First release.
Feel free to submit questions or comments to the Google Group - Grails Dev Discuss
Please report any issues to []