Golo Language Development Tools (Eclipse)
##Manual installation
Once you've cloned the repository, run mvn package.
This should produce an update site under org.gololang.gldt.site/target/repository.
Under Eclipse, add this folder as a local software site and give it a name (GLDT for example).
Then, click on Help -> Install new software, and select the software site you just created.
After a short time, you should see two items, GLDT and Xtext.
If Xtext is not installed on your Eclipse, select the two items and proceed to the installation.
If Xtext is already installed on your Eclipse, select only the GLDT item and proceed to the installation.
Restart Eclipse.
GLDT should be installed and the GDLT editor should be run on each .golo file.
##Automatic installation
Under Eclipse, click on Help -> Install new software, and enter the http://gldt-update-site.golo-lang.org/nightly URL and hit the Enter key.
After a short time, you should see GLDT displayed in the tree, select it and click on the Next button. When the feature Golo Development Toolkit Core is displayed, click on the Next button, accept the license agreement and click on the Finish button. Restart Eclipse.
GLDT should be installed and the GDLT editor should be run on each .golo file.
GLDT now integrates with Eclipse JDT. If you create a Java project and set the Golo nature, then each .golo file that is located into one of the Java source folders with gets compiled.
However, GLDT does not embed the Golo compiler as Golo is changing today at a high pace. So you must download yourself the Golo jar file and set it in your project classpath. If the Golo jar file is not in your project classpath, then compilation of the .golo files with failed and you will get a dialog error.
To set the Golo nature to your Java project, right click on your project, and select Configure -> Add Golo nature
If you want to use the latest bits of the Golo runtime, then you need to install Eclipse Aether into your Eclipse instance. Please follow the procedure given below in order to install Eclipse Aether.
The first component that is to be installed is the HTTP Client from apache.org. Although there may be bundled with your Eclipse installation, Eclipse Aether requires a quite recent version of this component. It is available on a stable build of the Eclipse Orbit project.
In order to install it, click on Help -> Install new software, then click on the Add button, and enter the following URL in the Location field: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/drops/S20131206110810/repository/
After you've pressed the OK button, you should see the following image:
Enter the string HTTP in the Filter field, you should have the following image:
Select the following components (Source components are optional):
- Apache HttpComponents HttpClient OSGI bundle
- Apache HttpComponents HttpCore
- Apache HttpComponents HttpCore NIO
then click on the Next and Finish buttons and restart Eclipse when asked.
Once you've installed the HTTP Client, you must now install Eclipse Aether core.
In order to install it, click on Help -> Install new software, then click on the Add button, and enter the following URL in the Location field: http://download.eclipse.org/aether/aether-core/milestones/
After you've pressed the OK button, you should see the following image:
Select all components except the first one (Aether Connector AsyncHttpClient), then click on the Next and Finish buttons and restart Eclipse when asked.
The last component to install is the Maven Aether provider.
In order to install it, click on Help -> Install new software, then click on the Add button, and enter the following URL in the Location field: http://download.eclipse.org/aether/maven-aether-provider/releases/
After you've pressed the OK button, you should see the following image:
Select the single component, hen click on the Next and Finish buttons and restart Eclipse when asked.
You've completed the installation of Eclipse Aether !!!
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