An example spring-boot application ready to be deployed in weblogic (tested in 12c).
This is a very minimalistic application, but it already has some basics:
- xsd file to define contract
- mock service providing soap endpoint, utilizing generated classes from xsd
- spring-boot and maven based build
How to use:
- Execute mvn clean package
- Deploy resulting .war file into weblogic
- You are all set! You can already POST request.xml to http://localhost:7001/mockservice (provided you have a running weblogic instance locally)
POST-ing from command line (requires curl)
[gyuszi@gyuszidev spring-boot-weblogic-example]$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary @request.xml http://localhost:7001/mockservice
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<ResponseStructure xmlns="">
<message>Hello from example app!</message>
[gyuszi@gyuszidev spring-boot-weblogic-example]$
The heart of our mini appliction is this soap endpoint.
@PayloadRoot(namespace = "", localPart = "RequestStructure")
public ResponseStructure responseStructure(@RequestPayload RequestStructure request) {
return new ResponseStructure() {{
setMessage("Hello from example app!");
Please note that this application does not use any Java EE/EJB API. It does not use JAX-WS, but instead Spring-WS. Weblogic will not list anything if you open the detail of your deployment in the web console (REST/WEB services tab will be empty)