It's almost ready to go, but how do we make it build?
Download the SDK: Intall Android SDK, when done choose API 14(Android 4.0)
Set ANDROID_HOME path(for me: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk) Add %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools to %PATH
You also need a keystore, but we'll configure that later. For now, use the test key store from the archetype To do this you must call: mvn clean install -Prelease -Dsign.keystore=/path/to/your/project/test-key.keystore -Dsign.alias=mykey -Dsign.storepass=testtest -Dsign.keypass=testtest
This is scripted in buildWithTestKey.bat, so just run it.
When we descide to get our own key we need to undeploy all our artifacts before we re-deploy. This is due to: "Be aware that Android cannot re-deploy artifacts using a different key, so be sure to undeploy all artifacts before running the release."
Now it almost builds, but the integration test project will fail The plugin tries to contact a emulated device, or a developer phone. Set up an emulator in eclipse. Deploy to emulator using mvn android:deploy
And, as always: mvn eclipse:eclipse will generate eclipse projects