XAMPP - Docker setup for students to use PHP, NGINX, MariaDB, and WebMail(MailHog)
docker-compose up -d --build phpweb phpmyadmin mail
http://localhost:8080/ (php)
http://localhost:8081/ (phpMyAdmin)
http://localhost:8025/ (Webmail)
adhavpavan/ContainerizingApps (github.com)
docker-compose up -d --build node
docker-compose up -d --build angular
docker-compose up -d --build react
React typescript
docker-compose up -d --build reacttypescript
docker-compose up -d --build next
Next typescript
docker-compose up -d --build nexttypescript
docker-compose up -d --build vue
Vue typescript
docker-compose up -d --build vuetypescript
Astro Web
docker-compose up -d --build astro
Blazor Server (dotnet v6)
docker-compose up -d --build blazorserver
http://localhost:8092 try 5001 and then try 8092
Blazor WebAssembly (dotnet v6)
docker-compose up -d --build blazorwasm
testdrivenio/django-on-docker: Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx (github.com)
docker-compose up -d --build fastapi
Django v4
docker-compose up -d --build djangoweb
or add nginx file service
docker-compose up -d --build nginx
Container size too large · Issue #1 · jared-nelsen/flutter_web_docker_example · GitHub
Flutter Web
docker-compose up -d --build flutterweb
bun create
npm create vite@latest react-app --template react
npm create vite@latest react-app --template react-ts
npm create vite@latest vue-app --template vue
npm create vite@latest vue-app --template vue-ts
npm create create-nx-workspace --preset=empty
bun install @nxext/angular --save
npm create vite@latest preact-app --template preact
npm create vite@latest preact-app --template preact-ts
npm create vite@latest lit-app --template lit
npm create vite@latest lit-app --template lit-ts
npm create vite@latest vanilla-app --template vanilla
npm create vite@latest vanilla-app --template vanilla-ts
npm create vite@latest svelte-app --template svelte
npm create vite@latest svelte-app --template svelte-ts
vue create vue-app
ng new angular-app
npm create create-react-app react-app
npm create create-react-app react-app --template typescript
npx create-t3-app@latest
npm i --package-lock-only