OMXPlayer-Sync facilitates synchronization of multiple OMXPlayer instances over the network in a master/slave fashion.
By default player will start in 960x720 windows, to change this to your desire xy, edit line 162 in code.
$ ./omxplayer-sync -h
Usage: omxplayer-sync [options] filename
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --master
-l, --slave
-u, --loop
-v, --verbose
omxplayer-sync -muv movie1.mp4 movie2.mp4 /movies/*
omxplayer-sync -luv movie1.mp4 movie2.mp4 /movies/*
A recent version of Python3 or Python2.
A recent version of the python bindings for D-Bus.
A recent build of omxplayer from Sergio Conde.
su -
apt-get remove omxplayer
rm -rf /usr/bin/omxplayer /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin /usr/lib/omxplayer
apt-get install libpcre3 fonts-freefont-ttf fbset libssh-4 python3-dbus
dpkg -i omxplayer_0.3.7~git20170130~62fb580_armhf.deb
wget -O /usr/bin/omxplayer-sync
chmod 0755 /usr/bin/omxplayer-sync
# start on master
omxplayer-sync -muv synctest.mp4
# start on slave
omxplayer-sync -luv synctest.mp4
- The filename on the master and the slave must be exactly the same.
- More testfiles with timecodes can be found on [][].
- Make sure there are no other files than movie files (e.g. no pictures, no textfiles) in the folder where the movie is, otherwise you may get sync errors.
- A RJ45 cable must be connected before you start the master, otherwise it will not send sync data to slave.
- If you dont know how to create a h264 mp4 file, visit