A Funny project for test my infrastructure knowledge
The following packages are required to launch the project:
- terraform
- ansible
- docker
- docker compose
- python3.10.12
- pip
- qemu-kvm
- libvirt
- libvirt-daemon-system
- libvirt-daemon
- virtinst
- xsltproc
- libpq-dev
xsltproc is a command line tool for applying XSLT stylesheets to XML documents.
libpq-dev is required for psycopg2 python module to connect to postgres.
This provider and the following module are required to implement the virtualization infrastructure on the kvm platform.
- dmacvicar/libvirt
- MonolithProjects/vm/libvirt
To run terraform do:
cd vm
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve
cd makeup/ansible/docker
ansible-playbook playbook/docker.yml -i inventory.yml
It's not recommend to install on host. solution is to have a machine for it.
cd makeup/docker/gitlab
docker compose up -d
docker exec -it gitlab-server grep 'Password:' /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password
Install gitlab-runner and deploy a private registry
before installation must generate a gitlab runner from gitlab and get a token.
change variable in defaults/main.yml, also need to download gitlab-runner.deb an put in files directory or uncomment curl command in task name Install gitlab runner in tasks/main.yml in this case comment copy task.
cd makeup/ansible
ansible-playbook playbook/builder.yml -i inventory.yml
This private registry is insecure and should be trusted by the Docker daemon as described below
add this section to /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries" : [ "registry.local:5000" ]
cd k8s-cluster
ansible-playbook playbook/site.yml -i inventory.yml
Be careful to make a backup of ~/.kube/config before running. Because it will be replaced by the new cluster configuration file. If not, you can download the configuration file from the /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml path.
If the worker's do not labeled as worker
kubectl label node node02 node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=worker
kubectl label node node03 node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=worker
- hashicorp/kubernetes
cd makeup/k8s
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve
consist of prometheus, grafana and alert manager
- hashicorp/kubernetes
- hashicorp/helm
- repo: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
- chart: kube-prometheus-stack
cd monitoring
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve
Manually create a service for expose node, to have access our monitoring on localhost
kubectl expose service/monitoring-stack-kube-prom-prometheus -n monitoring --type=NodePort --target-port=9090 --name=prometheus-ext
kubectl expose service/monitoring-stack-grafana -n monitoring --type=NodePort --target-port=3000 --name=grafana-ex
kubectl expose service/monitoring-stack-kube-prom-alertmanager -n monitoring --type=NodePort --target-port=9093 --name=alert-manager-ex
All services are accessible from control plane IP address and a random port<RANDOM_PORT>/
kubectl get secret -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana -o jsonpath='{.data.admin-user}' | base64 -d
kubectl get secret -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana -o jsonpath='{.data.admin-password}' | base64 -d
- username: admin
- password: prom-operator
- hashicorp/kubernetes
- hashicorp/helm
- repo: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
- chart: postgresql-ha
cd postgres-cluster
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve
Manually create a service for expose node, to have access on localhost
kubectl expose service/postgres-ha-postgresql-ha-postgresql -n postgres-ha --type=NodePort --target-port=5432 --name=postgres-ext
kubectl get secret -n postgres-ha postgres-ha-postgresql-ha-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
- username: postgres
- password:
Create python virtual environments and install requirements
cd application
python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
source .env/bin/activate
.env/bin/uvicorn main:app --reload
- install prerequisite
- create VMs by terraform
- install docker on VMs
- create namespaces on k8s cluster
- implement monitoring stack
- automate service expose
- nodePort with specific port
- alert manager config
- implement postgres cluster
- app development
- app metrics
- app monitoring dashboard
- install gitlab ce
- install gitlab runner
- create a private registry
- fix insecure registry in VMs
- create ci/cd pipeline on gitlab
- build app on builder machine
- push app image to private registry
- deploy app on k8s