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Add approximate equality for floating numbers based on UDP distance
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sol committed Feb 1, 2021
1 parent c567b00 commit 2a29066
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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/Test/Hspec/Expectations/Floating.hs
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module Test.Hspec.Expectations.Floating (
, approximatelyEqual
, ulpDistance
, floatingToWord64
) where

import Data.Word
import Foreign
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Data.CallStack

approximatelyEqual :: (RealFloat a, Storable a) => Integer -> a -> a -> Bool
approximatelyEqual maxUlpDistance a b
| isNaN a = isNaN b
| a == b = True
| otherwise = ulpDistance a b <= maxUlpDistance

ulpDistance :: (RealFloat a, Storable a) => a -> a -> Integer
ulpDistance a b = abs (toWord a - toWord b)
toWord = fromIntegral . floatingToWord64

floatingToWord64 :: HasCallStack => Storable a => a -> Word64
floatingToWord64 a
| sizeOf_b < sizeOf_a = error $ concat ["operand too large (", show sizeOf_b, " < ", show sizeOf_a, ")"]
| (alignment_b `mod` alignment_a) /= 0 = error $ concat ["alignment mismatch (", show alignment_a, " is not a factor of ", show alignment_b, ")"]
| otherwise = b
alignment_a = alignment a
alignment_b = alignment b
sizeOf_a = sizeOf a
sizeOf_b = sizeOf b
b = unsafePerformIO $ do
allocaBytesAligned sizeOf_b sizeOf_b $ \ ptr -> do
poke ptr 0
poke (castPtr ptr) a
peek ptr
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions test/Test/Hspec/Expectations/FloatingSpec.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Test.Hspec.Expectations.FloatingSpec (spec) where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Fingerprint (fingerprint0)

import Data.Bits.Floating

import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Floating

infinity :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => a
infinity = read "Infinity"

nan :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => a
nan = read "NaN"

maxValue :: (Read a, RealFloat a, FloatingBits a b) => a
maxValue = nextDown infinity

times :: Integer -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
times n = foldr (.) id . genericReplicate n

spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "approximatelyEqual" $ do
compareWith :: Integer -> Float -> Float -> Bool
compareWith = approximatelyEqual

equals :: HasCallStack => Float -> Float -> Spec
equals a b = do
it ("returns True when comparing " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b) $ do
approximatelyEqual 0 a b `shouldBe` True

notEquals :: HasCallStack => Float -> Float -> Spec
notEquals a b = do
it ("returns False when comparing " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b) $ do
approximatelyEqual 0 a b `shouldBe` False

0 `equals` 0
0 `equals` negate 0

1 `equals` 1
1 `notEquals` negate 1

infinity `equals` infinity
infinity `notEquals` negate infinity

nan `equals` nan
nan `equals` negate nan

context "when ULP distance is within the specified threshold" $ do
it "returns True" $ do
property $ \ (NonNegative distance) n -> do
compareWith distance (times distance nextUp n) n `shouldBe` True
compareWith distance (times distance nextDown n) n `shouldBe` True

context "when ULP distance is greater than the specified threshold" $ do
it "returns False" $ do
property $ \ (NonNegative distance) n -> do
compareWith distance (times (succ distance) nextUp n) n `shouldBe` False
compareWith distance (times (succ distance) nextDown n) n `shouldBe` False

describe "ulpDistance" $ do
context "with Float" $ do
it "calculates the difference in discrete ULP steps" $ do
property $ \ (NonNegative n) (a :: Float) -> do
ulpDistance a (times n nextUp a) `shouldBe` n
ulpDistance a (times n nextDown a) `shouldBe` n

context "with Double" $ do
it "calculates the difference in discrete ULP steps" $ do
property $ \ (NonNegative n) (a :: Double) -> do
ulpDistance a (times n nextUp a) `shouldBe` n
ulpDistance a (times n nextDown a) `shouldBe` n

describe "floatingToWord64" $ do
context "with Float" $ do
floatingToWord64WorksFor (Proxy :: Proxy Float)

context "with Double" $ do
floatingToWord64WorksFor (Proxy :: Proxy Double)

context "with a datatype that is larger than Word64" $ do
it "throws an exception" $ do
evaluate (floatingToWord64 fingerprint0) `shouldThrow` errorCall "operand too large (8 < 16)"
floatingToWord64WorksFor proxy = do
forM_ [0, 1, maxValue, infinity, nan] $ \ n -> do
forM_ [n, negate n] $ \ m -> do
it ("works for " ++ show m) $ do
shouldWorkFor (m `asProxyTypeOf` proxy)
it "works for arbitrary numbers" $ do
property shouldWorkFor
shouldWorkFor n = floatingToWord64 n `shouldBe` referenceImplementation n
referenceImplementation = fromIntegral . coerceToWord

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