- 🔭 I'm currently working on various projects in Embedded area (FPGA, Automotive, Reverse Engineering)
- 🌱 I'm currently learning programming µC on Embedded Systems
- 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on challenging project (mostly in Digital Design|Embedded Systems)
- 🗨️ Ask me about FPGA and ASIC design or any Hardware related stuff
- ⚡ Fun fact: I own a Volvo car and talk way too much about it
You can leave me a message via GitHub Discussion
✈️ https://t.me/iDoka- 🤶 https://keybase.io/idoka
- 🐦 https://twitter.com/idoka_ru
- 💬 Yet Another FPGA Mezzanine (DOKARD)
- // FPGA-Systems Conference 2021.2, Moscow - November 2021
- 💬 Implementation Cryptography on FPGA (a pragmatic approach)
- // FPGA-Systems Conference 2021.1, Skolkovo - April 2021
- 💬 DNN on FPGA, a Case Study
- // ODS DataFest 2020, AI Hardware track, Online event - September 2020
- 🚜 canbus / Tools, Hardware and Resources related to CAN bus
- 🚛 linbus / LIN bus tools, hardware and resources
- 🚗 automotive-can-id / CAN ID Databases by Car Vendors
- 🌠 embedded-software / Sources and Libs for Embedded Systems
- 🏧 fpga-boards / Repurposed FPGA boards which getting Second life in DYI/Hobby projects