An OCaml library (inspired by qwikidata) for parsing Wikidata JSON strings into more OCaml-friendly formats. It does not currently provide any faculties for retrieving Wikidata JSON strings.
Clone the repository, then use opam to install:
$ git clone https://github.com/impossiblynew/owikidata.git
$ opam install ./owikidata
Here's a simple example of this library in action, demonstrating a simple module for retrieving Wikidata Entities from wikidata.org, and the benefits of Row Polymorphism.
(* example.ml *)
open Cohttp
open Cohttp_lwt_unix
open Lwt.Syntax
(* A simple module that retrieves data from wikidata.org, then turns it into an
OCaml object using the Wikidata library. *)
module WikidataOrg = struct
exception Bad_response_code of int
let wikidata_base_url = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/"
(* Retrieves a JSON string from Wikidata's Linked Data Interface *)
let get_string_from_api ?(base_url=wikidata_base_url) id =
let uri = Uri.of_string (base_url ^ id ^ ".json") in
let* resp, body = Client.get uri in
let code = resp |> Response.status |> Code.code_of_status in
if code <> 200 then raise (Bad_response_code code)
else body |> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string
(* Takes a JSON string of entities retrieved from Wikidata's Linked Data Interface
and converts it to a Wikidata.Entity.t using the .of_entities_string function *)
let get_entity_from_api ?(base_url=wikidata_base_url) id =
let+ s = get_string_from_api ~base_url:base_url id in
Wikidata.Entity.of_entities_string s
(* A simple function that makes use of row polymorphism to work on both Items
and Properties. *)
let string_of_entity lang e =
Printf.sprintf "%s = %s: %s" e#id (e#label lang) (e#description lang)
let () = Lwt_main.run begin
let id = Sys.argv.(1) in
let lang = Sys.argv.(2) in
let+ e = WikidataOrg.get_entity_from_api id in
let entity_string = match e with
| Item i -> string_of_entity lang i
| Property p -> string_of_entity lang p in
print_endline entity_string
$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -thread -package lwt.unix,cohttp-lwt-unix,wikidata example.ml
will produce a small command line program that can be used to get labels and descriptions of Wikidata Entities in a given language:
$ ./a.out Q42 en
Q42 = Douglas Adams: English writer and humorist
$ ./a.out Q42 fr
Q42 = Douglas Adams: écrivain anglais de science-fiction
$ ./a.out P943 en
P943 = programmer: the programmer that wrote the piece of software
$ ./a.out P943 fr
P943 = programmeur: développeur d'un logiciel ou d'une oeuvre numérique comme un jeu vidéo
Documentation can be accessed from this repository's Github Pages Site.