REST API for storicard challenge, a simple newsletter app.
Create an .env based on the .env.template:
cp .env.template .env
If you need to update any value here's the list of the environment variables definition:
Variable | Default value | Description |
CELERY_BROKER_URL | redis:// | Default broker URL. If running broker using docker the default value points to the newsletter_broker container at its 0 db. |
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND_URL | redis:// | Default result backend URL. If running broker using docker the default value points to the newsletter_broker container at its 1 db. |
DATABASE_URL | postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/newsletter | Database to which SQLAlchemy will connect to. |
FLASK_APP | | Project main module. |
FLASK_DEBUG | True | If True then the flask's debug mode will be activated. |
MAIL_DEBUG | True | If True , then the flask-mail debug model will be activated. |
MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER | [email protected] | Default mail sender. Use the default value if using Mailhog docker setup, otherwise change it to a real email. |
MAIL_PASSWORD | Leave it blank if using Mailhog docker setup, if using gmail's SMTP server then this field should be supplied with an app password: | |
MAIL_PORT | 1025 | SMPT server port. Leave the default value if ussing Mailhog docker setup, otherwise change it to a real SMTP server port (587 for gmail's SMTP server for example). |
MAIL_SERVER | | SMTP server. Use the default value if using Mailhog docker setup, otherwise change it to a real SMTP server ( for example.) |
MAIL_USERNAME | Email related to the MAIL_PASSWORD env variable. Leave it blank if using Mailhog docker setup, otherwise change it for a real email. |
MAIL_USE_TLS | False | Enable TLS protocol. Change to True if using gmail's SMTP server (for example). |
The easiest and fastest way to run this project is through Docker, just open a terminal on the project's root and execute the following command:
docker-compose up --build -d
This command will build the following containers:
- PostgreSQL database
- Redis server (broker)
- SMTP server
- Celery worker
- Flask API
At this point you should be able to perform requests to the URL:
By using this methods, dependencies and migrations are automatically installed and executed respectively.
If you would like to run the project without Docker, then:
Install project dependencies:
pipenv install
Execute migrations:
pipenv run migrate
Run Flask API and Celery worker:
pipenv run dev
pipenv run tasks
Carlos David Hernández Martínez - Davestring