Macintosh Skin Changer for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
1. Download latest build from Release tab (
2. Open terminal and CD to the Patanjali Hax folder
3. Type sudo ./osxinj csgo_osx libPatanjali.dylib
1. Open Terminal and execute nano .bashrc
2. Type alias patanjali="cd /Users/arun/Downloads/Patanjali/ && sudo ./osxinj csgo_osx64 libPatanjali.dylib"
3. Press ctrl+x , Y , return key
4. Relaunch terminal
5. Use patanjali command to inject cheat
1. Clone this repository and open Patanjali.xcodeproj with XCode
2. Edit skinchanger.cpp on line 15
3. Find paintkit id from
4. Build and inject with osxinj as sudo