- You should develop a GraphQL API
- Your GraphQL API should wrap the Star Wars API (https://swapi.dev/)
- It should have an authenticate Mutation that, when given an arbitrary username returns a JWT ( token ) with the username in the payload
- Your GraphQL API should have a Query type that resolves all People (https://swapi.dev/api/people/), but only the Person's details (name, height, mass, gender, homeworld).
- The People Query should cater for pagination, you will notice the next property in the response. When given a page number, the respective People page should be returned (i.e. https://swapi.dev/api/people/?page=2)
- Your GraphQL API should have a Query type that resolves (searches for) a particular Person (People) given their name (i.e. https://swapi.dev/api/people/? search=Anakin Skywalker)
- All your Queries should check and validate a valid JWT issued from the authenticate Mutation ( token ) passed along, in the headers with each request.
Python 3.7 - You can install python with the follow instructions here
Virtual Environment - Install a virtual environment uisng this resource python docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will need to create environmental variables by running:
export FLASK_APP=main.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
Then start server with:
flask run
This API has a database attached with existing dummy users whi has jwt tokens expiring in 5 days for easy testing. Thus import the postman collection "SovTech_GraphQL_Assessment.postman_collection.json" into postman.
- Base URL: The API is currently only accessible via your localhost server and can be accessed locally via or localhost:5000
- Authentication: No authentication or API keys are required to access the API at this time.
- Documentation for this endpoints can be found here
To deploy the tests, run
Each postman endpoint has a test attached. You can also run tests as a colection.
- twilio blog - Build a GraphQL API with Python, Flask and Ariadne
- bacancytechnology blog - Flask JWT Authentication Tutorial