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by andromeduck
#What it does
- Unlock all the Characters
- Upgrade all the Characters to max level
- Farm you a ridiculous amount of gold
- Buy you a ridiculous amount of dragons
- Perfectly train and combine dragons for you
- Kill the tutorial if you haven't already
- This script is now compatible with both Python 2 and 3. You can get it here if you don't have it already.
- Download EverWingHax python file and run it. You should see what's basically the same instuctions as below followed by a profile URL prompt.
- Open Google Chrome (desktop)
- In Chrome, open a messenger.com tab. Do not start the game yet.
- In that tab, Open Devloper Tools via Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools.
- In Developer Tools, click Network then the Filter button in the top left.
- In Developer Tools, paste the following without quotes into the Filter box in the top left: "stormcloud-146919.appspot.com/auth/"
- In the messenger.com tab, start EverWing. You should now should see a new entry in Developer Tools starting with "?uid=" and followed by numbers.
- In Developer Tools, right click it and select Copy > Copy Link Address.
- Paste it in the EverWingHax prompt and wait for it to finish.