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CLI to download videos and slides from FOSDEM websites


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fosdem-dl (FOSDEM talks downloder)


Download all talks from a FOSDEM conference track in a specific year.


fosdem-dl is distributed as an uberjar, a Babashka uberjar and a container image.

Babashka uberjar (recommended)

If you have Babashka installed on your machine, the recommended way to run this project is to download the Babashka uberjar from GitHub Releases (it's the .jar without the -standalone suffix) and run it. For example, for version 0.1.0-RC.1:

bb fosdem-dl-0.1.0-RC.1.jar


If you prefer the "standard" uberjar, you can download it from GitHub Releases and run it like this:

java -jar fosdem-dl-0.1.0-RC.1-standalone.jar

Container image

In alternative, you can also pull the container image from GitHub Packages...

docker pull

...and run it like this:

docker run --rm


You could create a bash alias instead of having to type that docker run command every single time.

Binary [TODO]


GraalVM native-image can generate a Linux binary from the uberjar, but it immediately crashes at runtime. I'm investigating the issue.


This project strives to follow the Command Line Interface Guidelines.

The CLI has two commands: talks and tracks.

FOSDEM Downloader

Usage: fosdem-dl <command> [options]
Available commands: tracks, talks

This is the help for the talks command.

FOSDEM Downloader (talks)

Download all talks given at a conference track at FOSDEM a given year.

  -a, --attachments       Whether to download each talk's attachments (PDFs, slides, etc)
  -f, --format      :webm Video format #{:webm :mp4}
  -h, --help              Help
      --timeout     10000 HTTP connection timout in milliseconds
  -t, --track             Conference track (e.g. databases)
  -y, --year              Year of FOSDEM

fosdem-dl talks -y 2020 --track databases [options]

This is the help for the tracks command.

FOSDEM Downloader (tracks)

List the tracks at FOSDEM a given year.

  -h, --help Help
  -y, --year Year of FOSDEM

fosdem-dl tracks -y 2020


You can invoke the help of each command with -h, --help, :h, or :help.


List all FOSDEM 2020 conference tracks.

fosdem-dl tracks -y 2020

Download all videos of the FOSDEM 2018 python track, in WebM format.

fosdem-dl talks -y 2018 -t python

Download all videos and attachments of the FOSDEM 2020 web performance track, in MP4 format.

fosdem-dl talks -y 2020 -t web_performance -f mp4 -a


Developer environment

The file devenv.nix declares a developer environment for this project. This file is used by devenv to create such environment. If you're cloning this repository and not using devenv, you can safely ignore this file. However, you can still use it as a reference to understand the project's required dependencies.

Tasks to manage the project

This project uses a bb.edn file to define a few Babashka tasks. You can type bb tasks to view them. Some tasks might work only on Linux.

Download an unregistered version of pod-jackdbd-jsoup

A specific version of pod-jackdbd-jsoup might not be registered on the Babashka pod registry, but it might be available on GitHub Releases, so you can download it from there.

Make sure to set the environment variable POD_JACKDBD_JSOUP_VERSION to the desired version, then run this script (you will need to have the GitHub CLI installed).



pod-jackdbd-jsoup is available both as a binary and as an uberjar. This script will download both.

Namespace dependency graph

This graph represents the dependencies between the namespaces of this project. The graph was generated by clj-hiera.

Dependency graph of the namespaces, generated with clj-hiera


Run all tests with either one of the following commands:

bb test


  1. Bundle pod-jackdbd-jsoup in the binary compiled with GraamVM native-image.
  2. Make the destination directory configurable, to let the user decide where to download the files.
  3. Consider scraping each talk's links. Maybe write them in a text/markdown/JSON file.
  4. Show a progress bar. See here.