A very simple rest api service to teach about cloud computing, containerization and distributed systems.
The following are the user facing operations that the service will provide once completed:
- register account
- authenticate account
- make deposit
- schedule payment to other accounts
- check balance
- get statement
To register an account you will need to provide a username and password. The following validations are done:
- the username must not already exist
- the username must be alphanumeric
- the password must be at least 10 characters long
Simple token based authentication
The make deposit account requires:
- an amount
- an account where deposits are transfered from
- a document identifier
To schedule a payment:
- the id of the payee
- the amount
- the posting date
This returns the current balance. Accepts the following query parameter:
- asof: returns the balance as of the end of day of the specific date. If the date is before the account opening date, it returns an error.
Returns the transactions in the current period. Periods are based on the first day of the month. Accepts the following query parameter:
- month and year: returns the list of transactions for the specified period