142 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
🚀 New features and improvements
- build(deps): bump plugin from 4.54 to 4.64 and fix some test bugs (#171) @dependabot
- Fix warnings exposed by PR #171 (#172) @jimklimov
✍ Other changes
📦 Dependency updates
- build(deps): bump plugin from 4.54 to 4.64 (#171) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump maven-plugin from 3.21 to 3.22 (#164) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump bom-2.375.x from 2000.v4677a_6e0ffea to 2102.v854b_fec19c92 (#169) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 (#170) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 (#162) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump bom-2.375.x from 1836.vfe602c266c05 to 2000.v4677a_6e0ffea (#159) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump maven-plugin from 3.20 to 3.21 (#147) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump bom-2.375.x from 1798.vc671fe94856f to 1836.vfe602c266c05 (#144) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.4 to 1.6 (#145) @dependabot