An API to access disease reports from offical outbreak websites. From thoese reports reformat the infomation to fit our users requirements. A platform that provides one or more of the following functions for an end user interested in epidemics detection. For more information check the following documents: Design Details doc:
Management doc:
Testing doc:
Swagger API doc:
To install required libraries:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
To run locally:
- go into API_SourceCode folder
- run the following command: "uvicorn main:app --reload"
To run deployed server:
- go to "SENG3011_Jamva/PHASE_1/"
- run the following command: "sudo ssh -i "jamvakey.pem" [email protected]"
- Once connected to virtual machine go to "SENG3011_Jamva/PHASE_1/API_SourceCode"
- run the following command: "uvicorn main:app --reload"
Public IP:
version 1 base path: v1/
Specifications managed by UNSW SENG3011 T1 2022 Team Development Team:
- Jay Patel, [email protected]
- Jesse Merhi, [email protected]
- Vishnu Birudavolu, [email protected]
- Jack Whaling, [email protected]
- Marko Wong, [email protected]
- Management Information has been updated to include software tools alternatives
- Design Details has been changed to include more design princples, justifications, and has had and update to the overall presentation
- In other words... implemented feedback from D1 and updated respective reports and documents...