This is a list of products I find useful for various problem domains.
- penpot/penpot: An open-source design & prototyping platform.
- lucide-icons/lucide: Beautiful & consistent open-source icon toolkit toolkit.
- LVGL: Light and powerful open-source embedded GUI library with C and Python bindings.
- infracost/infracost: Cloud cost estimation for Terraform
- jsiebens/hashi-up: Bootstrap Hashicorp clusters over SSH in under a minute
- terraform-docs/terraform-docs: Generate docs from Terraform modules in various output formats.
- Shapeways - 3D printing, injection molding, CNC machining, vacuum casting, sheet metal, machine tooling
- PCB Way
- Ponoko - Laser cutting, sheet metal, 3d printing, PCB fab, and injection molding
- Overpass Turbo - Query language for OpenStreetMap data
- OpenStreetBrowser - Browse open street map data in a rich UI
- alufers/mitmproxy2swagger: Automagically reverse-
engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic and generating an OpenAPI spec for it.
- When paired with and koxudaxi/fastapi-code-generator, this can be used to quickly create a skeleton backend for any service you can instrument with mitmproxy.
- mitmproxy/mitmproxy: An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- Auth0: An easy to implement, adaptable authentication and authorization platform.
- BenMorel/dev-certificates: Quickly and easily stand up development CAs and sign certificates from them.
- osohq/oso: Batteries-included framework for building authorization in applications, including RBAC policies.
- storybookjs/storybook: Automated component explorer for frontend UI component packages.
- plausible/analytics: Simple, open-source, lightweight and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
- mikecao/umami: Umami is a simple, fast, website analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
- milesmcc/shynet: Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS.