by Jake Herman
A script that downloads music from pages
This script consumes a list of music page URLs from argv or a JSON file and downloads all of the music from the from those pages. It can download music from normal music pages and those that are "stream only". The music will be downloaded to sub directories of a destination directory passed to argv, each page will automatically create sub-directory to download the music files in to.
NOTE: The use of this script to download music from "stream only" pages is unethical and potentially illegal!!! This script was created purely as an intellectual execercise and is being shared publicly with intent to only be a portfolio item. Do not use this script for unethical purposes!
- nodejs v14.15.4 (other versions may also work)
- npm 6.14.2 (other versions may also work)
cd < project root directory >
npm install
Every command in this section is executed from the package root directory.
Display command line help:
./get-music-from-page.js -h
Note: --dest is a required argument that is the relative path to a folder in which to download the music files to.
Get music from a list of page passed to command line:
./get-music-from-page.js --dest --queue <url #1> <url #2> ... <url #N>
Get music from a JSON file that holds an array of url strings:
./get-music-from-page.js --dest --queue-json-file
This script is not hardened to all possible music file names. Special charecters can and do cause problems when trying to save the file to the file system. Starting on line 76 of get-music-from-pages.js there are some statements that take care of some common special charecters. If you want to make a modfor new problems you may encounter this would be the place to do it.