Scripts to support builds for several branches, configurations, bitness.
Works only with bash (MacOS & Linux) or cmd (Windows).
Usage :
cd <sources root> # will define $builder_shared_dir
. <builder path>scripts/setenv <build path> # will define $builder_config_dir
<sources root> is the root directory of the sources.
<build path> is <[path]target[.branch]/d1/d2/.../system-arch/compiler/config>
For real examples, see:
- Build Executor (instructions to build Executor from scratch)
- Build ooRexx (the infrastructure I use for Official trunk/releases/branches, Executor)
- Build Regina
From host Windows 11 arm64 (see setenv-cl.bat):
- x86_32
- x86_64
Other platforms: not tested but will work if the right toolchain is installed.
Each directory in the build path can have a corresponding script.
The scripts/setenv script iterates over each directory, from deeper to root.
If a script named setenv-"directory" exists in the directory of scripts then execute it.
If a script named setenv-"directory" exists in the directory of private scripts then execute it.
Scripts currently defined :
| setenv-release
| setenv-build
V setenv-oorexx
Examples of variables set by scripts/setenv (values for linux):
builder_arch x86_64
builder_bitness 64
builder_build_dir /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/official/main/trunk/linux-x86_64/gcc/release/build
builder_compiler gcc
builder_config release
builder_config_dir /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/official/main/trunk/linux-x86_64/gcc/release
builder_delivery_dir /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/official/main/trunk/linux-x86_64/gcc/release/deliver
builder_local_build_dir /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build
builder_local_dir /local/rexxlocal/oorexx
builder_scripts_dir /local/builder/scripts
builder_shared_dir /local/rexx/oorexx
builder_src_relative_path main/trunk
builder_system linux
builder_system_arch linux-x86_64
builder_target official
builder_target_branch official
Variables set for building with cmake:
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug or Reldbg or Release
Variables set for building with gcc or clang:
C_INCLUDE_PATH List of directories in which to look for header files when preprocessing C files
CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH List of directories in which to look for header files when preprocessing C++ files
LIBRARY_PATH List of directories in which to look for libraries when linking
Variables set for default make rules (see the output of make -p):
CXXFLAGS Flags for the C++ compiler
CFLAGS Flags for the C compiler
CPPFLAGS Flags for the preprocessor
LDFLAGS Flags for the linker
Variables set for building with cl (Visual C++):
INCLUDE List of directories in which to look for header files when preprocessing files
LIB List of directories in which to look for libraries when linking
Variables set for default nmake rules (see the output of nmake /p):
CXXFLAGS Flags used when compiling .cxx files
CFLAGS Flags used when compiling .c or .cc files
CPPFLAGS Flags used when compiling .cpp files
Variables set for execution:
PATH Linux, MacOsX, Windows