Nombo is an Open Source Node.js framework that allows you to easily build highly scalable, rich cloud applications. Nombo is distributed under the MIT license. Please see license_mit.txt for details. Visit for more information.
To install, run:
npm install -g nombo
Once installation is complete, to create a new app in the current directory run (replace myapp with your app's name):
nombo create myapp
To create a 'nombo-samples/' directory containing sample apps use:
nombo samples
To deploy/redeploy the Nombo framework core on its own (for example, to upgrade Nombo), use create without arguments:
nombo create
If you would like to contribute to the Nombo framework, you should:
- Fork this repo.
- Clone your forked repo to your machine.
- Navigate to the nombo/ directory on your machine.
- Run npm install to fetch all npm dependencies (necessary or otherwise, it will not work)
- Make your changes, commit them and push to your fork
- Submit a pull request
Note that to test your changes, you should run the sample apps which are inside the nombo/samples/ directory. For example, to run the chat app from inside the main nombo/ directory, you will need to run:
node samples/chat/server.node
Feel free to add more sample apps, especially ones that will help with testing Nombo as it matures.
- Nombo is launched as multiple node processes - This is all automated; you just specify how many load balancers, workers and stores to use and Nombo takes care of deployment and management. This lets you use all CPU cores on your machine/instance.
- Worker processes are highly parallelized (share no resources) - This offers almost infinite vertical scalability and provides more robust and consistent performance.
- Nombo is built on a node module called SocketCluster (built on top of which allows you to swap out the low-level clustering logic to use any pub/sub system of your choice (default is a module called iocluster and uses a pub/sub module called nData) - You just need to provide an adapter which has the same interface as iocluster. The clustering core could simply be an adapter to a third-party cloud-based pub/sub system. This could give you unlimited horizontal scalability.
Asset Delivery
- All HTTP assets are automatically minified and gzipped to reduce file size.
- Server side caching greatly minimizes disk IO operations.
- Strong client side caching greatly decreases application load time on subsequent visits and reduces the stress on your server.
- Nombo lets you bundle scripts, templates, stylesheets and images (images referenced in the CSS are also automatically loaded and cached).
- Customizable preload screen which shows accurate loading percentage when your app is accessed for the first time.
Realtime IO
- From inside your client-side scripts you can call methods of server-side CommonJS modules called sims (Server Interface Modules). These let your clients easily interact with your backend.
- From inside sims you can react to client input by emitting events to particular sockets or sessions (a session is associated with a group of sockets belonging to the same client) or broadcast to all connected sockets.
- You can define middleware functions for various IO segments. For example there is a middleware segment for general HTTP requests one for HTTP GET requests, POST requests, one for general IO (socket) requests, for IO requests of type RPC, etc...
- You can easily store volatile in-memory data through a session object. This data will automatically be mapped to one of possibly multiple data stores based on your session ID.
- Client side scripts can be loaded statically (at compile time) or dynamically (at runtime).
- Client scripts have the same structure as server-side Node.js modules and Nombo sims (CommonJS) - Like Node.js modules, each script operates in its own isolated scope.
- Allows you to import scripts which have global scope (e.g. jQuery, jQuery UI, Backbone, AngularJS...) - In Nombo, these are referred to as libs (libraries).