Last Updated March 20, 2018
NGrams is a simple script used to calculate nGrams from a given text corpus (a list of strings). The NGrams itself does not do any text processing on the data itself and simply calculates the ngrams. The Recursive implementation enables the short script to scale to any order of NGrams.
The file utilizes NLTK for tokenization, though the NGram script itself is Standard Python3
The class stores the following data which is accessible through simple get methods:
__lst_wordCorpus = "" # The entire word corpus
__lst_wordCorpusSet = [] # The set of the word corpus
__int_corpusLength = 0 # length of the entire corpus
__int_corpusLengthSet = 0 # length of the set of the corpus (unique words)
__lstmap_gramProbabilities = [] # list of maps corresponding to every gram in the corpus and their probabilities
__lstmap_gramCounts = [] # list of maps corresponding to every gram in the corpus and their probabilities
__lstlst_orderedProbLst = [] # list of pairs (ordered greatest to least by probability) of same word,probability relationship
__lstlst_orderedCountLst = [] # list of pairs (ordered greatest to least by count) of same word,count relationship
The method list is as follows:
return type function name parameters
list<map<string, float>> get_gram_probabilities (void)
int get_corpus_length (void)
int get_corpus_set_length (void)
map<string, float> get_gram_probability (int_gram_order)
map<string, inr> get_gram_count (int_gram_order)
list<pair<string, float>> get_gram_probability_ordered (int_gram_order)
list<pair<string, int>> get_gram_count_ordered (int_gram_order)
list<map<string, float>> calculate (int_gram_order, int_threshold)
string random_sentence_base (int_gram)
string random_sentence_next (curr_sentence, int_gram)
function name Elaboration
get_gram_probabilities Returns the list of all maps of string, floats.
get_gram_counts Returns the list of all maps of string, int.
get_corpus_length Returns length of corpus
get_corpus_set_length Returns the number of unique words
get_gram_probability Returns a map of <Word, Probabilities> of the given Ngram
get_gram_count Returns a map of <Word, Counts> of the given Ngram
get_gram_probability_ordered Returns a sorted list of pairs <Word,Probabilities> of the given Ngram
get_gram_count_ordered Returns a sorted list of pairs <Word,Counts> of the given Ngram
calculate Calculates all Ngrams from order 0 to the given param
random_sentence_base Returns a valid base_phrase of the given Ngram
random_sentence_next Returns a possible word based upon the given sentence and Ngram