Voron2.4r2 Z_EndStop STL
Space Provided on the Voron 2.4R2 After measuring the heights. the original Z_EndStop will never fit. its impossible.
- 20mm Linear Rail
- 7.42mm Thumb Nuts
- 27.4 Total
- Tolerance of 1mm Top and bottom
- Usable Space of = 25.4mm space for the Z_EndStop.
Dimensions of the Parts in Use:
- 16.04mm The pully pin cog.
- 11.17mm Circuit board is.
- 27.21mm Total
- Its impossible to fit the Z_EndStop without touching theHeatBed and or base plate. And the current design works by pushing the lower base plate cover sheet down.
The original z_EndstopStop that listed on the VORON Git is too large and protudes above and bellow the 20x20 linear rails.
there is also a Compressed/Narrow version out there but that is still too large!.
As both these EndStops are too large and press into the base plate.
- I have redrawn the Z_EndStop to cleanly fit between the 20x20 rail without touching the base. Some users like myself use a ACM or AliGloss aluminium coated panel that shorts the switch out if touched and if the Z_EndStop protudes past the linear rail it pushes down the sheet, asethetically does not look nice.
- Use the larger the existing hardware, lift the switch above the base plate and then raise the heat bed a few mm to accomodate the 27.21mm and loose some Z access. OR
- Modify the EndStop to not use the GearPully cog as guide. being ABS and under a 100degree heat bed. issues are surely advised.
This STL is designed to fit perfectly, Due to the tolerances and spaces allowed I came up with this solution to remove the GearPully.
Download in the STL folder