revert changes in defaultWidgetName. (b12492c )
Other Changes
Update (79ff83e )
upgrade material ui 5 deps. (e0b753d )
migrate to material ui 5. (4c4d775 )
ToggleButtonGroup moved out of lab, purge @mui/lab. (35abd25 )
reduce calls to styled helper, use class names and nesting more. (2c09e23 )
remove inconsequential button stylings. (862bbc5 )
use only icon buttons in AppBar, add tooltips to them, support dark mode toggle in preferences, prevent direct import/use of theme export, opting for useTheme and styled helpers, fix panel Fab. (e5d9503 )
netsPerPyramid to radio input. (d033f70 )
Diamond grid divider. (3bfb070 )
WIP: Diamond grid divider. (1a2f06b )
Diamond grid divider working. (1d48b6c )
spatially distribute assets of divider widgets, change widget thumbs to png. (c8457b7 )
combined saved model with widget model files. (4281ca7 )
fix missed url changes, png all the things. (de13f30 )
remove selectedIndex from DisjunctAssetsDefinition.tsx constructor. (8a2744c )
re-add selectedMember as observable. (2f87a75 )
Merge pull request #68 from justin-hackin/diamond-divider. (5ef4cdb )
Diamond and triangle divider widgets
darken dieline area. (76cbd32 )
replace zoom pan custom toolbar component with material ui alternative. (77bc3fc )
light theme adaptations. (db4f22d )
improve divider style. (25eaf60 )
no more "My" prefix, sounds rinky dink. (c142e92 )
fix drag mode indicator respects theme, is relative to toolbar. (f06dfbd )
zoom pan toolbar spacing similar to drag mode. (d263c8c )
fix no contrast with rotate switch on. (e4a2587 )
Merge pull request #67 from justin-hackin/mui-5. (48275cc )
Mui 5
add @typescript-eslint/parser so commits are possible. (a8b1d5c )
fix IDE eslint issues with eslint plugins not installed. (1bd28ed )
fix cancel on save, fix title shows file full path instead of undefined, fix electronApi.saveSvgAndModel. (6011e87 )
fix triangular grid throws error because pointAtLength doesn't clamp. (89966df )
fix lint error. (d244330 )
Merge pull request #75 from justin-hackin/dev. (c0bef98 )
upgrade MUI, theme rework, new widgets
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