This project computes frequency distributions and related statistics for a given dataset.
This file contains the main executable code.
Input Parsing
parseList :: String -> [Integer]
: Parses a comma-separated string of numbers into a sorted list of integers.parsetoInt :: String -> Integer
: Converts a string into an integer.
Main Function
- Executes the main logic of the program:
- Prompts the user to input a dataset and number of classes.
- Calculates statistics such as sample size, range, class intervals, frequencies, midpoints, cumulative frequencies, relative frequencies, and class boundaries.
- Displays all computed statistics.
- Executes the main logic of the program:
This file contains helper functions used in Main.hs.
- getCW :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer: Calculates the class width given the range and number of classes.
- getClasses :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [(Integer,Integer)]: Generates class intervals based on the class width and dataset.
- getMids :: [(Integer,Integer)] -> [Float]: Computes midpoints for each class interval.
- getF :: [Integer] -> [(Integer,Integer)] -> [Integer]: Computes frequencies of data points within each class interval.
- getRelativeF :: Int -> [Integer] -> [Float]: Calculates relative frequencies based on total sample size and frequency.
- getClassB :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> [(Double, Double)]: Computes class boundaries for each class interval.
- Ensure you have GHC installed.
- Navigate to the project directory and run:
cabal build
- Navigate to the project directory and run:
- After building, run the executable:
cabal run frequencyDistribution
- Follow the prompts to input your dataset and number of classes.
- After building, run the executable:
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Sample size:
Class intervals:
Cumulative f:
Relative f:
Class boundaries: