This is a Survey application powered by Spring Framework with JPA that provides the main functions that create single question survey, collect scores with the range of 1-10 and feedback as text. Also provice NPS calculation for each topic
- Topic Creation
- Collect Reaction between 1 to 10
- NPS Calculation
- Swagget API Doc (TODO Endpoint Definitions and Descriptions)
- Configuration with Environment Variables
Install Java 11 or above
Clone this repo to your desktop and run
./mvnw install
to install all the dependencies.
The project uses H2 as database. If you want to use another one, please add database driver dependencies to pom.xml
By default, the application uses in-memory h2 database. ıf you want to use another one, please set environment variables below.
Variable | Description |
CONNECTION_STRING | database connection string (eg. jdbc:h2:mem:groove ) |
DRIVER | database connection string (eg. org.h2.Driver ) |
USERNAME | database username |
PASSWORD | database password |
DIALECT | hibernate dialect to use (eg. org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect ) |
You might want to look into /src/main/resources/
to make change the database config you want to use.
- Run application with
./mvnw spring-boot:run
For Docker: run docker build -t survey-api .
For to build as jar ./mvnw clean install
. The jar will be located in ./target/
While running the application, visit the http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to access API Docs.