Albums_sil is a responsive project that displays albums and the photos they contain. Users create and edit these albums and photos. One can also see the amount of albums a certain user has.
Once you clone the project, go (cd to)the backend directory and look for .env files ending with .example.
Open both files and customize the variables according to the corresponding environment (development or production). The EMAIL_HOST and EMAIL_HOST_USER variables cannot be empty.
Change the names of the files by removing the .example extensions in order for them to be recognized by the settings file. Also change the allowed hosts, cors_allowed_origins and csrf_trusted_origins in file to reflect your deployment environment
sudo docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
chmod +x
chmod +x docker/backend/
sudo ./
sudo docker-compose -f build
sudo docker-compose down --remove-orphans
sudo docker-compose -f up -d