Fullstack starter template for Nuxt 3 (with Vitesse), TRPC, Tanstack Vue Query, Prisma, and Postgres. Quickstart db is sqlite. Supabase for something more permanent. Deploys on Netlify and Vercel (verified).
- Clone the project
npx degit kylegl/nuxt-trpc-tanstack-query-prisma my-nuxt3-app
cd my-nuxt3-app
pnpm i
- Setup database
Create a .env file at the root of your project
- In the server/db folder create a dev.db file.
- add to .env
# dev sqlite DATABASE_URL = "file:./server/db/dev.db"
cd server/db docker-compose up -d
- add url to .env
DATABASE_URL = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@DOCKER-HOST-IP/postgres?schema=public"
Sync the prisma schema with your db.
pnpm prisma:push
Start Nuxt dev server
pnpm dev
Follow setup docs and link your repo with hosting service. I had issues building locally with Netlify CLI to deploy.
Add the DATABASE_URL env var to your hosting service.
- Serverless Supabase should use connection pooling. The url is different from your dev url. See .example.env for more info.