This project is a hand-written parser for FORTRAN95 programming language lexem parsing.
Used language: Haskell
Authors: Denis Chernikov, Vladislav Kuleykin
From main folder of the project (Haskell Environment could be installed):
stack build && stack exec lex-fortran-exe
Otherwise, find an executable at:
Input file (by default): in.txt
Output file (by default): out.txt
From main folder of the project (Haskell Environment could be installed):
stack build && stack test
In our project we were about to implement a lexical analyzer for a given programming language (in case of our team - Fortran).
- There exist different versions of Fortran, we are considering FORTRAN95 - language standart of 1995 year edition.
- Because of harder symbol-positioning considering (and no actual need in modern versions) we are using free-identiation standart version, i.e. no exact sybol positions (columns), string lengths etc. are considered.
- There is no preprocessing in our lexical analyzer (we assume that input is already preprocessed on macros starting with hash
). - Because used language (Haskell) is purely functional and "lazy" (data is calculated only "by demand", when it is actualy needed), it is more practical to implement not a function producing tokens on each call, but the function returning a list of tokens. Actual parsing will happen ONLY when the user of function will ask for that concrete token (for example, while "iterating" though the list of resulting tokens).
-- | This was required:
parse :: Parser -> Token
getParser :: String -> Parser
-- | This is actually implemented:
parse :: String -> [Token]
- Question mark
is parsed as a one that is allowed in the language, but no usage of it was actually found. - FORTRAN95 has kind type parameters for literal constants, but our lexer parses them as individual
tokens, so we left them for the syntax analyzer to be considered. - No generalization of functions was applied, but places where changes could be done are obviously pointed by comments and docs.
- We have aggregated all numeric constants into
token. - All number signs (except the exponent sign inside
) are left for the syntax analyzer as unary operators. - Complex numbers, like
(3.5, -2.17e-5)
are left to the syntax anayzer (it is easy to handle them by syntax also). Character
- name of datatype in Fortran, which is equivalent to a single character or a sequence of characters (actually - string).
-- This is singe-line comment.
-- | This is documentary comment.
-- | Function type definition.
-- Takes 2 integers as args and returns a string.
f :: Int -> Int -> String
-- Next goes some kind of implementation.
-- Function name, arguments' names, then body.
f first second = show first ++ show second
-- Pattern matching - called when condition found.
f 1 second = "1" ++ show second
f first 2 = show first ++ "2"
f 0 _ = "0" -- We are not interested in the second one
-- Function call - first goes name, then args after whitespaces.
f 123 456
-- Complex args goes into parentheses.
f (12 + 34) 56
f 123 (45 + 67)
-- To avoid parentheses at the end - use dollar.
f 123 $ 45 + 67
-- Also function composition reduces parentheses.
(g . f) 123 456
-- | Some kind of loop over list.
-- [1, 2, 3] == (1 : [2, 3]) == (1 : 2 : [3]) == (1 : 2 : 3 : [])
sum :: [Integer] -> Integer
sum [] = 0
sum (head:tail) = head + sum tail
-- | And... Some "guardian expressions".
-- First true value will be taken.
sumEven :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumEven [] = 0
sumEven (head:tail)
| isEven head = head + sumEven tail
| otherwise = sumEven tail
-- Finally - carrying (partial function application).
-- f 1 (sum [1, 2, 3]) == (f) 1 (sum [1, 2, 3]) == (f 1) (sum [1, 2, 3])
Obvious :D
See TEq
See TNot
[ \t\v\f]|&\n|&\r|&\r\n