easy implementation of pattern-matcher works as a function
Note: this README is written through the help of ChatGPT.
Patterns is a functional utility library for handling conditional logic in a more declarative and readable way.
It helps you to deal with the complex control flow by using pattern matching.
- Conditional mapping based on predicates
- Default value when no conditions are met (
) - Custom exception throwing (
) - Handling/Denying null values
- Support for type-based pattern matching
implementation group: 'io.github.lambig', name: 'Patterns', version: '1.3.1'
Patterns<Integer, String> target = patterns(
when(equalsTo(3), then("b")),
when(equalsTo(4), thenSupply(() -> "c")),
when(i -> i > 0, thenApply(Object::toString)),
when(i -> i < 0, thenApply(sequenceOf((UnaryOperator<Integer>) i -> i + 1, Number::longValue, Object::toString))),
List<String> actual = Stream.of(-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
.collect(toList()); // actual will contain ["0", "a", "1", "2", "b", "c"]
AtomicReference<Integer> integer1 = new AtomicReference<>(); // will have 3
AtomicReference<Integer> integer2 = new AtomicReference<>(); // will have 4
AtomicReference<Integer> integer3 = new AtomicReference<>(); // will have 2
ConsumingPatterns<Integer> target =
when(equalsTo(3), thenAcceptWith(integer1::set)),
when(equalsTo(4), thenAcceptWith(integer2::set)));
Stream.of(-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4).forEach(target.orElseDo(integer3::set));