This project contains tests for benchmarking nearest neighbors with JVector and Lucene which implements approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search.
It contains 2 tests which run the benchmarks, i.e. LuceneTest
and JVectorTest
that leverage some yaml files for configuration, which should be placed in the /conf
and they print the results in some CSV named query-<provider>-<dataset>.csv
for query tests and build-<provider>-<dataset>.csv
for index build tests.
The LuceneTest
will read the file test-lucene-*.yml
files, while the JVectorTest
the test-jvector-*.yml
By inserting the yml config runtime.jfr: true
report files are printed for Java Flight Recorder (JFR)
will be generated in addition,
with the name <timestampMillis>-query-<dataset>-<keyConfiguration/valueConfiguration-keyConfiguration2/valueConfiguration2...>.jfr
Note that both .csv
and .jfr
files are ignored by git.
We can insert environment variables to avoid running all the configuration yml files,
for the LuceneTest and JVectorTest, respectively.
The configuration yml files are structured in this way:
dataset: <datasetName>
provider: <provider>
jfr: <boolean>
<build provider configuration>
<query provider configuration>
k: <topK>
where <datasetName>
is the name or the dataset in hdf5 format, which needs to be downloaded from this GitHub page
and put into /hdf5
So far, the datasets used for this project are:
(which has dimensions: 100, train size 1,183,514, test size 10,000 and use Angular Distance)gist-960-euclidean.hdf5
(which has dimensions: 960, train size 1,000,000, test size 1,000 and use Euclidean Distance)sift-128-euclidean
(which has dimensions: 128, train size 1,000,000, test size 10,000 and use Euclidean Distance)
All these dataset include ground truth data for the top-100 nearest neighbors.
To read hdf5 file, we use the JHDF Java Library.
The <provider>
configuration is either 'lucene' or 'jvector'.
The <topK>
indicates the number of vector to return in query phase.
All the queries use a ForkJoinPool with a parallelism level equal to 5.
The test are executed using the java arguments: -ea --enable-preview --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -Xms10g -Xmx12g
set via pom.xml with the <argLine>
of the maven-surefire-plugin
JVector library uses DiskANN algorithm:
See the following pages for more details:
This parameter controls the number of paths (or potential solutions) explored at each step in the beam search algorithm, commonly used in ANN searches.
- High
: Improves search accuracy by exploring more paths, but requires additional memory and computation. - Low
: Reduces search complexity and memory use, though it may yield less accurate results.
Defines the number of clusters or codewords created or considered in each layer or level of the quantization process. Often associated with quantized data structures (like product quantization), M
may also refer to the number of neighboring vectors each vector connects with.
- High
: May improve connectivity and retrieval precision but increases memory and processing needs. - Low
: Reduces memory usage and indexing time but might lead to lower connectivity, affecting retrieval accuracy.
Sets a limit on the maximum number of neighbors considered or stored during the search or quantization process.
- Purpose: Helps manage memory usage and processing time. If the number of neighbors exceeds
, some neighbors may be discarded or deprioritized to maintain the limit.
A scaling or weighting factor used in the algorithm to adjust the impact of distance calculations, similarity measures, or other criteria in the search.
- Use Case: Can balance between different parts of the search cost function or modify the influence of specific features in distance calculations, offering flexibility in fine-tuning search behavior.
Influences the search’s breadth by setting the number of possible neighbors to consider.
- High
: Increases the likelihood of retrieving the closest matches but may slow down the query. - Low
: Improves query speed and reduces memory usage, though potentially at the cost of accuracy.
For example, using the glove-100-angular.hdf5
dataset: glove-100-angular
provider: jvector
jfr: true
beamWidth: 10
M: 1
neighborOverflow: 1.61
alpha: 1.8
numCandidates: 23
k: 10
which will generate these .jfr
file for respectively the build and the query steps:
Lucene library uses HNSW algorithm:
See the following pages for more details:
Defines the maximum number of connections (or edges) each node (vector) can have in the graph's layers. In HNSW, the graph is a multi-layered structure where nodes connect to their nearest neighbors.
- High
: Increases search accuracy by allowing more connections per node, but requires more memory and increases indexing time. - Low
: Reduces memory usage and speeds up indexing, but may decrease search accuracy due to limited graph reach.
Controls the number of paths considered during the search. This parameter dictates how many candidate paths are followed at each step of the search.
- High
: Provides a more exhaustive search, improving accuracy at the cost of higher computational demands. - Low
: Reduces memory and computation needs, though it may decrease retrieval accuracy.
Enables Lucene’s force merge process, which reduces the number of index segments by merging them into fewer or a single segment.
- Pros: Optimizes query performance by minimizing segment-level overhead.
- Cons: Resource-intensive, especially on large indexes, as it increases CPU and I/O usage. Typically used after indexing is complete to prepare for read-only querying.
The primary tuning parameter for balancing search accuracy and efficiency. This parameter influences the number of candidate nodes considered during the nearest-neighbor search.
- High
: Increases search accuracy but may slow down query performance. - Low
: Improves query speed and reduces memory usage, though accuracy might be lower.
The optimal numCandidates
setting will depend on your application’s need for accuracy versus acceptable latency.
For example, using the gist-960-euclidean.hdf5
dataset: gist-960-euclidean
provider: lucene
jfr: true
testOnTrain: false
maxConn: 36
beamWidth: 50
scalarQuantization: false
numThreads: 8
forceMerge: 0
numCandidates: 23
k: 10
which will generate these .jfr
file for respectively the build and the query steps:
These are the results that are obtained with a MacBook Air, with Apple M3 processor, total Number of Cores: 8, memory: 16 GB:
- CSV files for Lucene:
- JFR files for Lucene:
- CSV files for JVector:
- JFR files for JVector:
The build CSV output contains:
Index configs
: that isPROVIDER-buildConfig
Total Duration (sec)
: duration of all phasesBuild Phase Duration (sec)
Commit Phase Duration (sec)
Merge Phase Duration (sec)
Index Dir. Size
Ram Usage (GB)
Available Memory (GB)
The query CSV output contains:
Index configs
: that isPROVIDER-<buildConfig>-<queryConfig>
Total Duration (ns)
Avg Recall
: the average value ofrelevant results / all retrieved results
Avg Precision
: the average value ofrelevant results / all available results
(i.e. the size of Neighbors of the dataset)k
Total Queries
Queries Per Second
:Total Queries / Total Duration (sec)
Avg Duration
: the average duration of the queriesAvg Minor Faults
: in case of failuresAvg Major Faults
: in case of failuresMaximum Query Duration
Maximum Minor Faults
: in case of failuresMaximum Major Faults
: in case of failuresTotal Minor Faults
: in case of failuresTotal Major Faults
: in case of failuresRam Usage (GB)
Available Memory (GB)