W.I.P. but already working.
Endpoint | Method | Purpose | Params |
/getimage | GET | Returns an image file | args: {"image":"imagefilename.jpg"} |
/getimagetags | GET | Returns a given image's tags | args: {"image":"imagefilename.jpg"} |
/getuserdata | GET | Gives back the user's dataset | args: {"user":"username"} |
/getuserdata | GET | Same but filtered with tags | args: {"user":"username", "filters": "tag1,tag2,..."} |
/getuserdata | GET | Same but with pagination | args: {same as before,"page":2,"limit"(optional):20} |
Endpoint | Method | Purpose | Params |
/tag | POST | Tag an image | form-data: {"image" (file): imagefile} |
/tagbulk | POST | Tag multiple images | form-data: {"images" (files): imagefiles} |
Endpoint | Method | Purpose | Params |
/rate | POST | Rate an image | form-data: {"image" (file): imagefile, "user": "username or all"} |
/ratebulk | POST | Rate multiple images | form-data: {"images" (files): imagefiles, "user": "username or all"} |
Endpoint | Method | Purpose | Params |
/verifydatasets | GET | Checks if the full dataset is valid (there are new userratings since the last creation) |
- |
/updatetags | GET | Creates tags for the new images without generated tags | - |
/addrating | POST | Adds user rating to their dataset | form-data: {"image": imagefile, "user":"username","rating":"0.5"} |
Endpoint | Method | Purpose | Params |
/trainerstatus | GET | Returns the trainer's status | - |
/trainuser | GET | Starts training the given user's RaterNNP model | args: {"user":"username"} |
/stoptraining | GET | Stops the training if any is running | - |