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Linux Foundation Release Engineering Workshop

This is a container environment containing services used by the Linux Foundation Release Engineering team. It is loosely influenced by the work done by openfrontier (author of the Gerrit container).

The primary services are:

  • Gerrit
  • Jenkins
  • Nexus

And the secondary services that support these:

  • OpenLDAP
  • MariaDB [TODO]
  • HAProxy [TODO]

Most of the documentation for individual services and how they are configured can be found under the config/ directory, and $SERVICE.env files contain environment variables used by the docker containers.

Quick Reference

Add the following to /etc/hosts: jenkins.localhost gerrit.localhost nexus.localhost

Jenkins/Gerrit login: workshop/workshop Nexus login: admin/admin123

Getting Started

Add the following to /etc/hosts: jenkins.localhost gerrit.localhost nexus.localhost
docker-compose up -d

Will bring up an environment containing all the services with authentication backed by LDAP, a simple ci-management repo in Gerrit, and a basic job in Jenkins that verifies commits to the ci-management repo.

Once the environment is up and running, copy your ssh public-key and add it to the workshop user in Gerrit. This can be either be done through the web interface or from the commandline:

./ ~/.ssh/

Then you can clone the ci-management repo and modify it to your hearts content:

git clone ssh://[email protected]:29418/ci-management.git

Move into the cloned directory:

cd ci-management

Set the gitreview username:

git config --add gitreview.username "workshop"

And ensure the Change-Id hook exists:

git review -s

Putting up a patchset for review that modifies "*.yaml" files should trigger the ci-management-jjb-verify job and add a -1/+1 Verified vote.


To bring up a single service in the foreground you can use:

docker-compose up $SERVICE

Note: dependent services will still be launched but in the background. Hitting '^C' will stop this service, but not the others.

If a service is backed by a Dockerfile, then changes to the Dockerfile or files under '$SERVICE/' will require rebuilding the container:

docker-compose build

To tear down the environment removing all the volumes, and start from scratch, run:

docker-compose down -v

To run a specific version of one of the services, edit the .env file, and rebuild the containers. For example, to run Jenkins 2.80 set the value in the .env file:


and run:

docker-compose up -d --build

to rebuild the Jenkins image before launching it.

For other useful docker-compose commands such as logs, see:

docker-compose -h

Init Container

In order to fully configure both Jenkins and Gerrit, another container 'init' is added as part of the startup to generate ssh keys, create the ci-management repo, configure users, and push the ci-management jobs to Jenkins.

This is done in a weakly idempotent fashion by creating files after the command execute successfuly, so that if the environment is restarted the container doesn't die or modify existing data.


The goal of this project is to have an easily created workshop where releng work can be tested or proof-of-concepts created.

Some examples:

  • Jenkins Plugin upgrades
  • Gerrit upgrades
  • Jenkins and Gerrit-Trigger testing
  • Nexus configuration
  • Gerrit/LDAP group integration


The following is a list of automation tasks still needed before the environment can be considered stable:

General: - [x] Replace 'sandbox' names with 'workshop' since sandbox was just a

  • [ ] Setup OpenLDAP over SSL by default
  • [ ] Make things more configurable. There are a lot of hardcoded names
    in Groovy scripts which could be pulled from environment variables
  • [x] Collapse environment config into single file and add lots of
    comments, so users don't need to track down the correct file

Nexus: - [ ] Configure Nexus to use LDAP (admin/admin123, or LDAP) - [x] Setup and configure Nexus

  • [x] Create 'logs' Nexus site repo.

Gerrit: - [ ] Remove postgres container configuration and replace with MariaDB

(or make optional)

Jenkins: - [ ] Fix (on Jenkins restart):

WARNING: Caught exception evaluating:
instance.hasExplicitPermission(attrs.sid,p) in /configureSecurity/.
Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException

Init: - [ ] Make steps strongly idempotent (verify the state they modify)