Dynamic VC assertion contract is written by solidity, using Hardhat for compilation and testing.
- Install nvm
- Inside the repository, run
nvm use
to set the correct Node version.- If the version is not installed, run
nvm install
- If the version is not installed, run
nvm use
corepack enable pnpm
pnpm install
- Using hardhat.
pnpm compile
After compiling, the contract bytecode will generate in file artifacts/contracts/**/{contractName}.sol/{contractName}.json
, e.g. the bytecode of A1 is in the file artifacts/contracts/A1.sol/A1.json
- Using Remix IDE.
Should use the dynamic
as your project root path in Remix IDE as below:
remixd -s your_repo_path --remix-ide https://remix.ethereum.org
If you have not installed Remixd before, run the below script to install it.
npm install -g @remix-project/remixd
The deployment script can be used to deploy a specific contract to the specified chain. Below is the usage of the deployment script.
pnpm run deploy-contract --contract <ContractName> --chain <ChainName> [--mnemonic <MnemonicValue>] [--secrets <Secret1> <Secret2> ...]
- --contract: Specify the name of the contract you wish to deploy.
- --chain: Specify the target chain environment. Supported values are:
- local
- dev
- staging
- prod
- --mnemonic: Optional, the mnemonic string required to generate the wallet for contract deployment on the staging and production chains.
- --secrets: Optional, provide the required secret values for the contract. These may include API keys, private keys, or other sensitive information needed for the deployment contract, multiple secrets must be separated by blank, and the secret item does not support line breaks.
To deploy the TokenMapping
contract to the dev
chain with specific secrets, you would run the following command:
pnpm run deploy-contract --contract TokenMapping --chain dev --mnemonic "angle total unfold" --secrets "abc" "vna" "poi xyz"
- If you meet below error, run
chmod +x ./scripts/run_deploy.sh
can fix it.
sh: 1: ./scripts/run_deploy.sh: Permission denied
- Test all:
pnpm test
pnpm test
- Test single file:
pnpm test {testFilePath}
pnpm test tests/token-holding-amount.ts