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A coding challenge to model students, teachers, lessons and students completing lessons in parts.

Solution is a web site backed by a Rails server.

Running example



A version of Ruby supported by Rails 5.0.0rc1. Ruby 2.3.1 during development.


  1. clone this repository, then chang into the new directory

  2. install the required gems:

  3. create and seed the database

    bundle exec rails db:setup

Run the server

bundle exec rails s

The site will be available at http://localhost:3000

Test suite

bundle exec spec

Static code analysis

bundle exec rubocop

The challenge

Coding Project

Company X is developing a new app for student education. Students complete lessons and their progress is recorded. Each lesson has 3 parts - 1, 2 and 3. There are 100 lessons in total.

Part 1

Generate a rails app that persists students and their progress.

Define routes for:

  1. setting a student's progress - progress should consist of a lesson and part number.
  2. returning a JSON representation of a student and their associated progress.

Part 2

Teachers have classes containing number of students.

  1. Add a teacher model that is related to students
  2. Create a reports page for a teacher to view progress all of their students.

Part 3

Calculating progress

  1. add a method for updating student progress - this should verify that the student is only able to complete the next part number in sequence e.g. L1 P1, L1 P2, L1 P3, L2 P1, L2 P2 etc

The result

Part 1 / (1.)

  1. Tap Students in the top nav
  2. Tap a student in the list
  3. Tap Set progress
  4. You can enter a lesson number between 1 and 100 and a part between 1 and 3
  5. Tap Save
  6. Observe the student's progress has been updated

Part 1 / (2.)

  1. Request using curl:

  2. Observe the result:

            "email":"[email protected]",
            "name":"Bart Simpson",

And for a student with progress:

            "email":"[email protected]",
            "name":"Lisa Simpson",

Part 2 / (1.)

  1. Tap Teachers in the top nav
  2. Tap a teacher in the list
  3. Tap Students taught
  4. Observe a list of students being taught by this teacher

Part 2 / (2.)

(Solution is on the same page as the prior section)

  1. Tap Teachers in the top nav
  2. Tap a teacher in the list
  3. Tap Students taught
  4. Observe the progress of those students (down the right-hand-side)

Part 3 / (1.)

(Solution is at the same place as Part 1 / (1.))

  1. Tap Students in the top nav
  2. Tap a student in the list
  3. Tap Set progress
  4. Enter a lesson or part number
  5. Tap Save
  6. Observe an error message

Further discussion

My first pass at this exercise was to create a Rails 5 API app that communicated json-api messages back and forth. The API side is complete and available on github as another example of my work. Building the new API stuff took longer than I expected and I ran short of time to implement an Ember front-end to it. Hence this repository (I started here by copying the models and schema from the v0.3 tag of the API repo).

More detail of the process I went through in the in that repository.