Note: Updates are slowdown now because I'm migrating to Jetpack Compose.
Antimine is a minesweeper-like puzzle game. The objective is to flag the spaces with mines to make the field a safer place without exploding any of them.
You win the game when you've flagged every mine in the minefield. Be careful not to trigger one!
Feel free to contribute with issues, feature requests, pull requests, or translating.

- Support to Android Wear OS
- Support to Android Auto
- No guessing algorithm
- Multiple themes colors (including dynamic colors and AMOLED)
- Multiple skins (including the classic)
- Game Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, Master, Legend, and Custom
- Game Statistics
- Save/Resume state when Quit/Resume game
- Resume previous saved games
- Retry failed games
- Continue after click on a mine
- 4 different control styles
- Custom long press duration
- Optional Question mark
- Open multiple areas by pressing numbers
- Game assistant to auto-flag discovered mines
- Split screen
- Zoom out